Chapter 44

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I woke up with a start as if I'd forgotten something important. Then all the memories of the previous night flooded back into my head as well as the decision I decided to take. Guts over fear. I sighed and stood up to go to the bathroom.

I peeked my head out my room door and the house was oddly silent. I walked over to the bathroom and began brushing my teeth. After I brushed, I showered and changed.

I went downstairs and peeped my head into the living room. It was empty. I walked over to the kitchen and all I was met with was the cold draft in the room.

Where did everyone go?

Well, wherever they went they would come back. I continued my mission of looking for breakfast. I hadn't eaten properly in two days and I doubted that would be any different today.

I was going to talk to Luca. At first, I was hesitant, but then not clearing all of this up was giving me anxiety and I only had three days. I needed to say everything on my mind. I felt like I was going to explode and I couldn't deal with the pressure.

I heard the front door open followed by voices. "Thank you boys for coming shopping with me," came my mother's voice.

"No problem Maggie," I heard Luca say. The way they spoke reminded me of how Charlotte took a quick liking to me and I to her.

They walked into the kitchen and my mother smiled at the sight of me. "Peanut you're up."

I caught Luca's eye and his eyes shone in amusement at my mother calling me that. They left the paper bags full of groceries on the counter. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve.

My mother left the kitchen and Luca still had that stupid smirk on his face. I glared at him. "Well, I ur have to go... sort out something..." James cleared his throat and I didn't miss the mischievous smile on his face as he so conveniently left the kitchen.

I turned around and began looking for the cereal. I didn't usually eat cereal for breakfast but since my aunt, would be by soon. I needed to eat quickly.

I found the sealed box of cereal on the top shelf of the cupboard. I reached for it my fingers barely brushing the box. I saw a hand go above my head and grab the box. I turned around and Luca dropped his eyes to mine. His other free hand held onto the edge of the counter next to me.

His eyes lingered on mine for a second and my heart rate increased at how close we were suddenly standing. His scent hit me at once, ensnaring my senses and I didn't realize how much I missed it until I smelt it again.

He brought his lips close to my ear. His closeness making me feel like I was charged with static electricity with all the hair on my body standing. "Good morning princess," he whispered as if it were an important secret.

My throat felt dry and when he pulled back to look at me his fingers brushed the side of my face causing my cells to dance under his touch as he tucked my hair behind my ear. He rolled his bottom lip into his mouth and his eyes fell to my lips again. He came so close to me that I could feel the slight tickle of his breath and I could almost taste the mint. My eyes involuntarily shut as my hand fell back on the counter gripping it for balance. My legs felt weak. "Open your eyes," he whispered, his minty breath fanning my face. My heart quivered at the sound of his voice. "I won't kiss you," he admitted and my eyes opened on an account of those words. I felt like I couldn't breathe with how fast my heart was beating. "I'll never try to kiss you again princess," he kept his voice as a mere whisper. His words hurt and I felt what could only be described as regret. "If you want to kiss me you'll have to make the first move," he smiled and I gulped, looking away from the intensity in his forest eyes. I was going to get lost in the forest and succumb to its elements at this rate. He cupped my cheek in his hand to make sure I kept eye contact with him. His thumb massaged my cheek making my skin cells buzz. "Are you going to make the first move?" His nose brushed mine.

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