Chapter 30

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My teeth chattered as the raw wind hit my exposed face, raising the tiny hairs from my face and neck, and leaving fine goosebumps in its trail. Luca was kind enough to drape his brown coat over my shoulders as we waited outside the airport.

"I should have checked the weather forecast princess." He rubbed gentle circles on my back to create heat. I wasn't sure if he was being genuine or pretending because, James, was around. It was going to be hard to determine genuine and bogus actions in front of company.

"There you guys are, "A red-haired woman said, approaching us. "I've been looking everywhere," she sighed in relief.

She was dressed in a black coat, black pants, and a bowler hat. Her auburn hair fell around her shoulders highlighting her heart-shaped face.

James beamed from beside me as he stared at her. "Amelia," he said, excitedly.

"Hello James," she said with an unexpected grunt and a roll of her eyes. She seemed less excited to see him and I could sense some tension between the two, as James had a look of somewhat guilt on his face while she openly glowered at him.

"You must be Elizabeth," she turned her gaze away from James, to look at me instead. Her facial features softened as she looked me over." Mrs. Hendricks has been singing your praises," she smiled warmly.

Her eyes landed on Luca next and she gasped, placing a hand on her heart dramatically. "Great Scott," she examined him with her eyes. "You've cut your hair!"

"It's nice to see you too Amy," Luca said, with a tired smile on his face. He looked pale and his eyes looked as if they were struggling to stay open. 

"Still acting the maggot and pissing of your father?" Amelia chuckled.

"Always," Luca chuckled lightly, and she high fived him.

"I parked in the back. Easier to get out of here." Amelia began walking and we followed her. She pulled out a set of car keys and pushed a button unlocking a black BMW SUV

James moved to get into the passenger's seat of the car, Luca and I got in the back, and Amy started up the car, revving the engine and making the men laugh in the process.

"What?" She laughed.

"This is why they don't let you drive the sportscar," Luca chuckled. She drove out of the parking lot and I rested against the leather interior seats. The car smelled new.

I looked at Luca who wasn't as talkative ever since we landed at the airport. He rested his head back on the seat, stifling a yawn as he pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes. "I'm just tired princess," his voice came out groggy. It's like he read my mind.

His hair fell onto his forehead and my hands itched to push it back into place. He looked so different when he was sleepy. Less egotistical and more like a baby animal.

"Why didn't you sleep on the plane?" I asked and he shook his head slowly.

"Flying makes me nervous. I can't sleep when I'm nervous."

"How long till we reach the house?" I asked, holding his coat closer to my body.

He lazily opened his eyes as he brought his wristwatch close to his face. "Twenty-odd minutes princess."

After a while, the car turned down a street that was secluded and covered in forestry. After a few more turns the car stopped in front of a huge silver gate. The fence around the area went on and I couldn't see where it stopped.
The letter 'H' sat in the center of the gate.

Amelia pressed a button on a remote and the gate slid open as she drove the car in. She stopped the car and unbuckled her seat belt. Everyone moved to get out of the car but I felt numb. I didn't want to walk anymore. My body had succumbed to laziness.

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