Chapter 14

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Luca's POV.

My plans to tell Elizabeth, everything failed. I went to the restaurant a few days ago and the prissy guy in the suit said it was her day off. I didn't have time to go back to the restaurant after that. Saturday and Sunday I was preoccupied at the hospital, Monday and Tuesday I had tests and today my mother was flying in from England.

I was happy to see her again, but I knew she was going to be at my throat for giving Steph a hard time last week. This was besides the point of them always taking Stephanie's side. Did my mother portray me to be such a problem child that she couldn't even see when Steph was wrong. How could my mother not see that Steph was making a mistake.

I waited outside the airport leaning against my car. I hated airports. It's always so crowded. The doors parted letting out a second wave of people and I searched with my eyes through the crowd for my mother.

Thankfully, Harry wasn't accompanying my mother here. He had a business summit to attend and he would fly in once it was over. Harry and I couldn't coexist in a large sixteen bedroom mansion. I started to wonder how we were going to get along in a small apartment. Maybe the hostility in the room would choke one of us out before we finally lost it and tried to murder each other.

I couldn't see my mother and I began to get worried. Where was she. According to my watch, her flight landed just twenty minutes ago. Finally, the doors parted and out walked my mother. The most English woman in America.

She was wearing a white pantsuit and her eyes were covered with black sunglasses. Her blonde hair was cut short and was in waves. The luggage she was pulling behind her was half her size.

How long did she say she was staying for again. I had to ask myself while taking in the size of that ridiculously large bag. Not that I minded if she did stay longer than expected. I loved my mother and I missed her cooking. It was better than Jameson's tuna surprise casserole. To this day I still wonder what the surprise was. "Luca my son. Come to mummy," My mother said and a group of passing girls giggled.

Ignoring them, I let out a sigh and opened my arms. "Hello mother," I said and engulfed my mother in a hug.

"My strong boy," she said patting me against the side of my face. "You could use a shave," she said pinching my cheek. I was a grown man and yet she still treated me like a boy.

"Mum," I whined and she chortled.

"And a hair cut," she mentioned, before handing me the handle to her bag. I opened the passenger's side door for her to get into the car. When she was I shut the door and grabbed the bag and hoisted it into the trunk of the car. It was heavy. I had to wonder if she didn't just smuggle a tiny person into the country.

I walked over to the driver's side door and got in. My mother had taken off her sunglasses and perched them on the top of her head. She was now fiddling with the car's radio. I should have told her that there was no Capital Liverpool Station, but she soon got fed up and left the radio alone.

I started the car and drove out of the busy airport parking lot. "So did you enjoy your flight?" I asked and she sighed.

"Is that really what you want to talk about." My mother and I haven't talked after I found out Stephanie was getting married to some guy she just met. "That was very wrong of you Luca. Your behavior towards your sister was despicable."

"I know mother but what else was I supposed to say. Even Harry agrees with me, so you know I can't be wrong."

"You and your father are just the same."

"My father is dead," I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Luca, don't you start this again."

"Okay mother," I said not looking to continue this pointless argument.

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