Chapter 3

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Luca's POV

I was eighteen years old when Harry sent me to New York. I hated it here more than anything. It's always too noisy and the traffic is just unbearable.

After one year of fighting my mother and Harry. I gave up and decided to make something out of myself. I was in the third year of my college pre-med course and I had a hell of a long journey to go. I was studying to become a pediatrician.

I missed England more than anything, the food, the weather, the live football matches and more importantly I missed Allison, my girlfriend.

It was hard making a long-distance relationship work and I'll be honest I hadn't been faithful through it all, but I've confessed my infidelity to her and she too admitted that she hadn't been all that faithful to me either.

After that, we promised that we would always stay true to each other and I kept my promise. Whenever I went back home for the holidays, I'd sneak away to spend time with her.

My family didn't like Allison. Especially my mother. I think it was part of the reason she didn't let me come back. So that I could be away from Allison.

My mother blamed Allison for everything that went wrong in my life. She blamed her for the parties, the drinking, the smoking, my rebelliousness, and the funniest one from the entire list. She blamed Allison for my long hair.

I'll admit I kept my long hair because it annoyed Harry more than anything. Especially when he had to introduce me as his son.

Allison had beautiful long shiny blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She had her fair share of tattoos. We both shared a love for ink.

I remember the day I took her to meet mum, Harry, and Stephanie. Mum almost fainted. Harry wanted to press the panic button and Steph looked like she saw a ghost. In my opinion, they were just exaggerating at the time.

I grabbed my car keys from the table, pocketed my phone, and shrugged on my jacket. I was going to Cullum's yearly house party. Callum, Ryan, Ross, and Anthony. We all became fast friends considering we shared a lot of the same interests.

"Going somewhere, sir?" I heard Jameson ask and I turned around to see him standing at the entrance to his room. We lived in a three-bedroom apartment rent-free because one of Harry's old school mates owned the building.

"Hello to you too dear," I said while looking for the keys to the apartment.

"Sir I must insist you retire for the night. You have done well not to get yourself into any further trouble for the past few months. A party..."

"Now Jameson. How is it that you know I'm going to a party? Been listening at my door again."

"You will have to forgive me for the intrusion, but I'm here to take care of you."

"Look James all I'm asking is that you turn a blind eye for tonight. I promise that there will be no trouble."

"But sir."

"Trust me this one time." With that, he sighed and turned to walk into his room.

I quickly exited the apartment and locked the door. I straightened my jacket and took the stairs down to my car. Jameson once followed me to a party. I threatened him that no one would find his body if he did it again.

It took me thirty-five minutes to get to the campus housing, due to the ridiculous amount of traffic on the road. Finally, my car pulled up at Callum's, Ross's, and Anthony's house.

I walked into the house and saw Callum and Ryan talking to two girls. I could barely hear my thoughts because of the loud music. "Hey," someone whispered in my ear and I turned around to come face to face with Ember.

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