Chapter 46

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Ray's of sunlight shone through the curtains of my closed bedroom windows, causing me to wake. I yawned as I struggled to open my eyes and then I felt the weight of something holding me down. I craned my neck to see Luca holding onto me tightly while I was crashed to his bare chest.

His tattooed arm was securely around me while he nustled his head into the crook of my neck. He was so warm even though the top half of his body wasn't covered with the blanket. He nustled his head further into the crook of my neck and I felt him place a kiss on the base of my shoulder. "It's creepy to watch someone sleep princess." His voice was a groggy whisper and his hot breath tickled the tiny hairs on my neck.

I turned in his hold and looked at him. His green eyes were open and filled with amusement as he watched me thoughtfully. "Merry Christmas," I told him and he moved closer to me and began stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. He leaned in to kiss me and I dodged him by burying my face into the pillow.

I heard him chuckle. "Hey," he sounded surprised. "It's Christmas may I please have a kiss?" He asked in all politeness his voice dripping in humor.

I shook my head. "No," I said and my voice was muffled by the pillow. "Morning breath." I crinkled up my face at the thought of letting him kiss me without brushing my teeth first.

He pulled the pillow out of my reach and I was reluctant. He began tickling my sides and I squirmed trying not to laugh. When I couldn't handle it anymore and came up for air he caught both my hands on either side of me. "Did you think you could hide from me?" He whispered and ducked his head into the side of my neck again. Inhaling deeply before trailing soft kisses up my neck.

My hands twitched to move and find his hair but they were being held down. I could feel him smile against me and my heartbeat thrummed every time his lips touched my skin. His movements were antagonizingly slow as he lead his lips up my throat, kissing my chin and then starting a new trail on my jaw.

I gasped at the feeling of what he was doing to me and I bit down hard on my bottom lip. He placed one last kiss at the corner of my mouth and then picked his head up to look at me. His eyes swirling with mischief as a smirk settled on his lips. "I'll ask again." His voice sounded seemingly innocent but there was nothing innocent about the smirk on his face. "May I have just one kiss?" He asked his lips a hairs breath away from mine. His breath still had a hint of mint in it.

His eyes dropped from mine to my lips. I shook my head and sucked in my lips. I couldn't help the smile on my face when he sighed at my defiance. His smile was filled with amazement. He released my hands and sat up. "Very well the lady has said no."

He moved to get out of the bed and I got a clear view of his upper body as he stretched. I quickly averted my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. I could hear him chuckle. "Still can't look at me without a shirt on?"

It was thirty-eight degrees Fahrenheit and my body was heated with the shyness I was overwhelmed with. Had he noticed all the times I averted my eyes when he would come to stand in front of me without a shirt on. It was so natural to look away that I found it rude to almost stare blatantly at his naked chest. "I'm respecting your privacy." I smiled.

"Really," he laughed. "Rather courteous of you after your face was buried in it last night love," he laughed and my eyes widened. When I looked at him he was in his hoodie again.

"Luca-," his name tumbled out of my mouth. "I was asleep!" I whisper yelled and he shook his head. He reached over to me and kissed my forehead before walking to the room door.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," he grinned. "It was the best sleep I've had in ages." He gave me a wink and then went out my bedroom door closing it silently behind himself.

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