Chapter 45

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I stood at the stove flipping pancakes as I listened to five seconds of summer. Mom was gone with aunt Aubrey to do some shopping. She always got like this around Christmas and having Luca and James as guests were bringing out hostzilla.

OCD at its finest and I've realized where I got it from.

I could remember when my father was alive and he would invite some of his colleagues over for dinner or Sunday lunch. My mother would do the same and start panicking about what to cook. She would make a million and one trips to the shop and a thousand adjustments to the menu and she would go from googling new recipes to buying new cookbooks.

I told her to relax. I was yet to hear Luca complain about food or be fussy in what he ate except when I was his server, but I was sure he was only picky then to get on my nerves. James as well, but I wasn't that sure so I told her she could ask him, which resulted in her taking him shopping with her.

Poor unsuspecting James when he came down for coffee this morning was dragged out of the house.

Other than that I was in complete bliss. I felt like I was injected with a drug called giddiness. I couldn't stop smiling. My cheeks hurt. I began mindlessly singing to youngblood by five seconds of summer. It had been a long while since I listened to my own music and I forgot how soothing it could be. It was just adding to my already good mood.

"You push and you push and I'm pulling away," I sang into the spatula. "Pulling away from you. I give and I give and I give and you take, give and you take. Youngblood." By this part, I was so into it that I began blurting out the lyrics. "Say you want me. Say you want-"

I heard laughter and I looked up to see Luca standing at the threshold of the kitchen watching me. My traitorous body started changing color instead of playing it cool. "Please don't stop at my account you have a lovely voice."

I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling like a lunatic. My heart was putty. One look at Luca and it wanted to bust out of my chest. "Would you like some breakfast?" I asked and he walked over to me, snaking both his arms around my waist. He pulled the earphones out of my ears.

"Just because you can't hear me doesn't mean I can't hear you," he smirked and I didn't realize I screamed. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You want the breakfast or not Hendricks?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, yes please mam unless you want me to leave so you can continue your little concert." He kissed my nose and I giggled pushing him away from me. He laughed and moved to go sit at the table.

I stacked four pancakes on a plate with some bacon. I placed the food in front of him on the table and he smiled up at me. "Thank you, princess." I moved to the fridge and pulled it open to get the jar of orange juice. "This is delicious," he complimented in a voice of surprise.

"I sure would hope so," I smiled. "Plus you really can't critique me here. This is not the restaurant. I wouldn't hesitate to live out my fantasy of stabbing you with a steak knife."

A smile formed on his face. "You over exaggerating I wasn't that bad."

"You were horrible. I used to dread work in case you came in."

"I'm sorry princess but I couldn't get you out of my head then too. You were also fun to mess with," he smiled. "And it was hard to stay away from you after that." A blush crept up on my face and I looked away. His words touched that special place in my heart again and when I looked up his eyes bore into mine.

Green into dark brown.

I wondered if my eyes would ever hold him the way his one's held mine prisoner. I could stare at him for hours. It would forever remain a mystery to me as to why this beautiful man would be interested in me.

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