Chapter 26

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Elizabeth's POV

I was trying to calm myself down. Luca had a knack for finding me whenever I was in trouble. There are some things I've never shared with anyone before. Luca expected me to just spill my guts about my past, but I didn't want to. Because talking about it felt like I was reliving those horrible moments in time.

The car suddenly came to a stop, and I looked up from resting my head against the closed window. It's not like I was enjoying the beauty of New York at night. My eyes were completely blind to my surrounding as my brain refused to register anything.

Luca opened his car side door and closed it. I watched him through the windows as he put his hands on his hips and looked up into the sky. He then turned and looked at me through the windows. He hesitated to move at first but then he suddenly walked around the car and to my passenger's side door, yanking it open and stretching out his hand for me to take.

I reluctantly took his outstretched arm as I wiped at my eye with my free hand. I got out of the car and he let go of my hand. I had no idea where he brought me.

A cold gust of wind whipped past me raising smalls hairs on my neck and face. I had left my jacket and bag at the restaurant, in my rush to leave. Luca took off his coat and draped it around my shoulders. He kept his eyes off me as he fastened his coat over me.

His coat was warm and comfortable.

I looked around the area and it looked like a park. Tall lampposts illuminated a pathway in the middle of grassy fields, filled with large trees. I looked at Luca in curiosity and he began walking silently.

I followed after him and kept up with his pace so I was walking beside him. His hands were shoved in his pockets, he let out a sigh as we walked. The silence between us wasn't awkward or tension-filled but it was different this time.

"I'm not going to force you to tell me what happened if you don't want to," he started, not looking at me but the pathway instead. There were benches on the pathway that were vaguely occupied with people. "But I do think you should tell someone if someone is harassing you at work." He looked at me this time. His eyes filled with concern.

"No one is harassing me at work," I said hoarsely, due to my crying. "That's not the reason why I wanted to get away from there."

"You have to talk to me," he said stopping. Worry lines formed on his forehead as he took in my shaken appearance. "I won't know what's wrong if you don't tell me. We have to go to England in a few weeks. We going to be stuck together for a while princess. So if something is bothering you... you need to tell me now."

I exhaled. It felt like I've been holding my breath for the last hour.

I barely knew the man standing in front of me, but yet I asked myself how I trusted him so easily with my safety, but how I didn't allow myself to trust him with the finer details of my past.

We fell into silence again as we continued walking. I was embarrassed... humiliated that my first boyfriend would cheat on me with my best friend. I didn't know how to tell anyone about it.

So I didn't tell anyone. Not even Percy or my mother.

We continued walking through the park until we came to a body of water. A pond surrounded by vibrant flowers and grass. In the pond were tiny colorful fish.

"I used to come here all the time when I first came to New york. This place is good for clearing your mind," he said and moved to sit on one of the wooden benches.

"Why did you come to the restaurant?" I asked and he looked up at me momentarily before looking at the pond once more.

"Hmm," he hummed. "Oh, I just wanted dinner," he shrugged, clearing his throat with a slight cough. "Now it's my turn to ask a question," he said, waving me over to sit down next to him on the bench. I walked over to the bench and sat down next to him. "Who was the man you were running away from?" He started. "He didn't look like your boss."

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