Chapter 20

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Luca's POV

"It's Stephanie, she's missing," Christian said, barging into my room. He ran a hand through his hair and down his face. The worry for my sister evident on his face.

"Fuck," I mumbled.

I was angry at myself. I should have seen that there was a deeper reason than love as to why Stephanie, wanted to get married. If I had just talked to her about it and been more accepting of her choices then maybe she would have told me sooner and we wouldn't have been in this mess.

"Luca, come out here now!" my mother shouted. Christian looked in the direction from where my mother's voice came and walked away from my doorway. I followed after him with Elizabeth.

I walked into the lounge to see Harry and James seated on the couch. My mother was pacing up and down as she patted at her chin with the tip of her index finger. The sound of her heels clicking loudly in the silent room. "I have had enough," she started. "My daughter is now missing because her father and brother acted like two dunderheads!"

"Char..." Harry tried to say, but my mother turned around and glared at him, silencing him at once.

"You two are going to lose her," she said and turned to look at me. "Is that what you want? Never to be apart of your sister and her unborn child's life." I would never want that. I shouldn't have acted the way I did and if I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. "Fix this now the both of you! Find her." She stormed out of the apartment, her shoes clicking loudly as she walked away to go find Stephanie.

Harry sighed as he stood up and walked over to the door to grab his coat. James went with him and so did Christian and Elizabeth.

If I had known this was how the night would have turned out I would have never brought Elizabeth, along. I rushed out of the apartment and went straight to the stairwell. Elizabeth had asked why I didn't use the elevator and I wasn't about to tell her one of my biggest fears.

I should have told her more about my sister and Harry. I could understand if she was mad at me. I acted like a complete arse the entire night. I just hoped Steph, was okay and that the damage done was repairable.

I ran down to the first floor of the apartment building. I looked around the lobby and found the owner of the building (Harry's old friend) talking to Harry, Jameson, my mother, and Christian. Not making my presence known I went back into the stairwell. I didn't know where to start looking.

I decided to go up to the roof. It was the only other place people from the building could go to relax and get some air. Hopefully, she was still in the building. I ran up the stairs, I was starting to lose my breath after the sixth floor, but I pushed myself.

I finally made it to the top. I was out of breath. I just needed a few minutes to gather my bearings. The door leading to the roof was cracked open a little and I could hear two voices. Elizabeth's and Stephanie's. At the sound of Stephanie's voice relief washed over me. I was about to barge in on them, but Elizabeth's voice stopped me in my tracks.

"In honesty, I think maybe Luca, was just hurt that you didn't tell him sooner," Elizabeth said. It's amazing how she knew me, yet didn't know me at all. I peeped through the crack in the door to see Elizabeth, sitting on one of the sofa's next to Stephanie.

"I know you right Liz," came my sister's voice. Hearing my sister call Elizabeth, by her nickname took me by surprise. It sounded like old friends talking. She didn't know Elizabeth, for a day, and yet she spoke to her as if she was a good friend. She knew Allison, longer, and yet she still referred to her as 'that girl'.

My mother had even warmed up to Elizabeth, even though they had just met. My theory of them liking any girl that was boring and wasn't Allison was correct.

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