Chapter 35

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Elizabeth's pov

I leaned against the car window, stifling a yawn, and balancing my head on my open palm as I stared at my cellphone.

Beckett and I were texting and Abigail decided to grace me, Luca, and Madeline with her voice by sharing tits and bits about her life even though nobody gave a wet rat.

She was in the middle of a conversation about how embarrassed she felt when one of her friends showed up to a party wearing white after labor day.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I sighed, trying to block out Abigail's excessive talking as I read the text from Beckett. I did miss home, but now I miss seeing you every day. I smiled at the text. He was a charmer. He knew exactly what to say to make someone smile.

It's just for a few weeks. We'll be back at the campus housing soon. I replied.

Beckett sent me the thinking emoji. So you don't miss me? He asked adding the smirking emoji. I did miss all of my friends, but I wasn't sure if I missed him the way he missed me.

Afflicted by my overthinking, I decided to send him the laughing face and eye roll emoji before switching my phone off. As soon as I put my phone down Abigails talking hit my ears with full force since I had nothing to distract myself with.

I looked at Luca who was glaring ahead of him, looking like he was about to burst into flames as he clenched his jaw and thrummed his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. He was annoyed and holding his tongue from silencing her.

I leaned over to him and he cocked an eyebrow at me. "Hopefully it's just a few more minutes to wherever they taking us," I whispered and the scowl on his face softened a bit as he let out a breath of exhaustion.

"If not you may have to stab me in both my ears princess," he whispered.

"What are you guys whispering and being so secretive about?" Abigail asked and I sat back onto my seat.

She shimmied half her body into the front seat of the car as she looked between me and Luca. If Luca had to suddenly hit brakes she'd fly through the windscreen.

"Couple stuff," Luca shrugged.

"That's so adorable," her voice went high and I looked at her through the car's review mirror. Besides her sat Madeline who was silent and busy on her cellphone. "It's hard to imagine that maybe one day we'd be here for your wedding Lu-."

I made a mental note of how she said 'his wedding' and not 'your wedding' as in him and me. She would be right but at the same time, she wasn't right to think that he wouldn't marry me. As far as she knew we were in a relationship.

"Yeah," Luca cleared his throat. "What kind of wedding would you like love?" He asked glancing at me and catching me off guard.

The question had the hairs on my body standing, like a spooked alley cat. "Ur-" I thought. I didn't have to give him a real answer I wasn't really marrying him.

Why did I have to overthink all the time.

Abigail was staring at the side of my head with an arched eyebrow waiting patiently for my answer. "Does it matter? As long as we together," I smiled endearingly. Luca glanced at me, a Hmm sound left his lips and Abigail sat back down in the seat again.

The car went silent and it was as if Luca and I had the same thought because we both glanced up at the review mirror to get a glance at Abigail's reaction. It's like she stopped breathing or forgot the English language altogether.

Luca and I then looked at each other with smiles on our faces. He turned back to the road all the while still grinning that we managed to silence her.

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