Chapter 34

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Luca's pov

Her scent lingered on the duvet and pillows making it hard for me to fall asleep. It was delightful, but at the same time, it was driving me insane because I wanted to sleep and couldn't stop thinking about her. Smelling her scent in my drowsy state made me feel as if she was right next to me.

She was in the same house as me. She just went with Stephanie for a little while. I couldn't explain the way she made me feel. She could infuriate me and make me laugh all in one breath. The effect she had on me was disastrous, the reason being I couldn't explain it.

It was obvious that Allison had a strong dislike towards Elizabeth. She had a strong dislike for any woman that came close to me and wasn't family. She had been pestering me ever since she met Elizabeth.

The first night she met Elizabeth she told me that she wasn't worried because I would never be interested in someone like her, but yet she still got mad when I took Elizabeth to that party. The tip of the iceberg was when I put my hand on Elizabeth's back at the party.

I didn't do it intentionally. I didn't plan on getting defensive when Eric spoke to her. Everything just happened so fast and before I knew what was happening I was being yanked away by an angry English woman cussing me and everything else that stood in her way.

She began screaming at me for bringing Elizabeth and me also being an equally hot head said, "I'm not going to stand here and listen to you screaming like a banshee. I'm leaving!" It was safe to say that I would be dead come Christmas. The woman in my life would surely kill me and have my head as a centerpiece on the dinner table.

After I left Allison I went to find Elizabeth only to learn that she was nowhere in sight and Eric was also gone. I began to panic. I didn't know what to think and every possible scenario played in my head. I thought that she probably left with Eric, but before I let my thoughts get the best of me, I left the house to see if she was outside. When I saw no trace of her I called her.

When she told me she was heading to the bank I went after her. The girl was foolishly brave and I feared she would get herself in trouble. When I found her relief washed over me.

She was a troublemaker.

I was surprised when she apologized to me. It wasn't her fault it was mine. I forced her to go to Allison's. I didn't want her to stay home because that would raise much suspicion, I couldn't risk leaving her at a mall or anywhere else, and leaving her alone in the car just seemed harsh.

My room door opened and my mother walked in with Elizabeth and Stephanie trailing behind her. They all had suspicious smirks on their faces. "My poor baby. What's happened to you?" My mother ran over to my bedside and placed the back of her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature.

"It's fine mum, it's just a mild cold. It will go away with some mild medication."

My mother patted the side of my face. "Well of course. Whatever you say. You may be becoming a doctor soon but you'll always be my little doodles," she cooed pinching my cheek and causing my eyes to widen at the embarrassing nickname she gave me when I was five because I developed a passion for drawing. I still had that passion, but I only ever had the chance to doodle anything when I was bored in a lecture room.

Elizabeth and Stephanie stood at the entrance of my room door, sharing looks while they tried to cover up their giggles.

I growled. "Don't you two have something better to do? Go back to shaving each other's eyebrows."

Both girls shared a look before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter. I could barely handle Elizabeth or Stephanie, what was I thinking when I allowed them to become close. The two would surely drive me barmy. "Oh but dear brother we came to shave your eyebrows," Steph sang and hopped over to my bed with a black suit bag in her hands.

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