Chapter 37

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I watched as colorful birds fluttered from tree to tree. It was a sunny day an almost perfect day if it weren't for the one dark grey cloud that hung threateningly in the sky.

Taking advantage of the sunny day. I decided to take a walk outside since I spent most of my time in the house since my arrival.

The sound of faint whistling got my attention as I walked further into the garden. The whistling got louder and louder as I walked and I stopped in front of a large water fountain. It sounded like the whistling was coming from the fountain.

I walked around the fountain as I examined it with my eyes for speakers. As I rounded the corner I found Carlos sitting on a black wooden bench with his eyes closed and head positioned up to the sky. His lips were pursed as he whistled a melody.

"Just five more minutes Chris. Steph's bridesmaids are killing me."

"Are we all such a bother?" I chuckled and Carlos's eyes shot open.

"Oh it's you that's casting a shadow," he smiled. "I didn't mean you. It's Abigail and Madeline. They've been fighting over me," he groaned, running a hand through his hair.

"So you came out here to escape?" I asked and he nodded.

"It's a beautiful day. I've missed the sun. Thought I'd never see it till Sunday." 

I chuckled. "Why Sunday?"

"I'm leaving for Spain on Sunday."

We heard footsteps and talking and we both turned at the same time to see Christian round the fountain with Stephanie by his side. They were holding hands. "I guess we weren't the only ones to take advantage of a beautiful day," Stephanie smiled.

"I was wondering if I heard right," Christian smiled.  "Liz and Carlos. Where's my soon to be brother in law can't be far behind if Liz is here."

All of them chucked and I felt like there was something I was missing.

Stephanie clasped my shoulder with a smile. "My brother can be a pain in the arse. Liz probably just needed a few minutes alone," she chuckled, taking a seat on the bench.

I enjoyed the fact that she knew he was a pain in the butt. "He's having a shower," I told her. I escaped as soon as he went into the bathroom. Unplanned I went to the library to put back a book I borrowed and I saw how beautiful it was outside. So I abandoned all plans of reading.

Stephanie checked her wristwatch. "Well, I think we should head back inside and start getting ready."

Christian checked his watch. "Steph the guests will only be arriving at six. it's only three pm."

"Mi Hermano, do not interfere with women when it comes to dressing up. How are you getting married when you don't understand women," Carlos grinned.

"I don't need to understand all women just my woman," Christian said proudly.

Carlos rolled his eyes as a smirk played on his lips. "How are your lips not swollen from all that ass-kissing?"

"Moisturizer and I can kiss her ass all I want. She's mine," Christian laughed and moved to kiss Steph on her forehead.

"Awww shut up I'm going to cry and vomit at the same time at how cheesy you being," Stephanie giggled causing Carlos to laugh. She moved to stand again. "Liz can you come with me. There is something I want to show you."

I didn't have anywhere else to go so I shrugged. "Sure."

"Boys don't be late. I will murder the both of you," she said to both of them.

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