Chapter 21

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Elizabeth's POV

The dinner with Luca's family didn't go as I thought it would. I was happy to meet the wonderful woman in Luca's life. Stephanie was kind, she had a soft heart and I could tell that she loved her family wholeheartedly. Charlotte was powerful yet nurturing. With one look she rendered her family member's silent.

I pushed myself off from leaning against the door. "You home," A voice said, and I jumped.

"Beckett!" I shrieked, holding a hand to my racing heart.

The house had been illuminated in warm yellow light due to all the mini candles that were placed around it. "How was dinner with the crew of Downtown Abbey?" He asked while he leaned against the staircase with his arms folded.

I sighed. "It was fine. Where is everyone?" I asked and he looked over his shoulder.

"They in the kitchen playing cards as usual," he said, and as if on cue, Callum soon came out of the kitchen with Blaire, by his side.

"Hey, Liz. So you and my pal Luca, huh," Callum said in amusement. "I wouldn't have thought, but Luca was always a hard person to figure out."

"No we just friends," I said and Callum chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Beckett asked  Callum in a stern tone of voice. When I looked at Beckett his jaw was clenched.

"Just that Luca doesn't usually have girls as friends that's all," Callum replied.

Beckett ran a hand through his hair and turned to look at me. A stressful expression on his face. "Well he has a girlfriend," I reminded Callum, only to hear him scoff at my remark as if it was something pointless.

"Like that would stop him. It hasn't stopped him before," Callum retorted.

My eyes widened at that statement. Was Luca the type of boy I've been avoiding since Tyler. Was he just another disgusting unfaithful pig. I had to wonder.

I wouldn't allow Luca to get too close to me. I knew what it felt like to feel cheated and I was not going to come between him and his girlfriend.

Beckett let out a disgruntled sigh and ran a hand down his face. "I'll see you tomorrow Lizzy," he said snaking a hand around my waist. He pulled me to him and placed a gentle kiss on my temple. The sudden act of affection surprised me as well as Callum because he raised an eyebrow at his brother's bold actions. Blaire remained silent but the broad smile on her face spoke volumes. Beckett was unpredictable at times.

The wind outside picked up and the rumbling of thunder could be heard.
"Well, that's my cue. Good night ladies," Callum said, following Beckett to the door. Both men exited the house, closing the door behind them and I turned around to find Blaire staring at me with wide expectant eyes. "So how was dinner?" She asked, bouncing on her heels.

"You do know that I'm playing pretend right?" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh that's how it always starts," she said with a dismissal wave of her hand. "First it's pretending and then it becomes so much more," she furthered.

"Well, there won't be a chance for it to become so much more because he has a girlfriend. Not to mention that Hendricks is the most intolerable man on the planet."

"Most intolerable man, "Himari repeated in a voice of amusement as she walked into the lounge with her pet bunny in her arms. "Is he that bad?" She asked plopping herself on the sofa and Blaire and I moved to sit next to her.

"You just in time Himi. I was about to get the dirty deets from her but like usual she is putting up a fight," Blaire said.

I scoffed. "There are no dirty details. We, not even friends..." I tried to object but cut myself off when I remembered the agreement of friendship we made. "I mean we don't even know each other and we are not interested in each other romantically."

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