Chapter 38

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Luca's POV

I watched Elizabeth's face fall as Allison pulled me away and through the crowds of dancing people. She held onto my hand tightly almost squeezing as if she was afraid I would run away. 

She pulled me out of the room and to an empty hallway out of sight. I could still hear the violins faintly coming from the room and I watched Allison in curiosity.

I wanted to know what she was doing here. If my mother caught wind of her then everything I had done to prove to them I wasn't the same man I was when they first sent me to New York would be in vain. 

Allison remained oddly silent as she paced up and down in front of me. It wasn't like her to be silent in any situation. She looked deeply disturbed. "Allison?" I said trying to get her attention and her head snapped up at me.

Her eyeballs were bulging and her nose was flaring. A thin scowl etched it's way to her thin red lips and she breathed heavily, her body shaking like she was about to combust. "What the fuck," she growled and I quirked an eyebrow. "Why were you holding her like that!"

"What?" I questioned in confusion. What was wrong with her. What was she so mad about.

"Elizabeth!" She yelled.

"We were dancing. How else do you dance?" I questioned.

"You've changed Luca," she growled poking an accusatory finger in my chest.

"Changed," I repeated. "How have I changed?"

"Before you would defy heaven and hell for me and now?" she asked. "You don't even answer my texts like how you used to. You can't even sneak out of this house to come see me. So here I am thinking that my fucking boyfriend would be happy to see me but no he wants to know what I'm doing here instead so he can get rid of me and go back to dancing with his perfect girlfriend."

"You know I'm only doing this for us!" I yelled in anger. "To make you happy."

"Oh yes I'm so fucking happy my boyfriend is in love with another woman!"

I went deaf. My adam's apple bobbed in the back of my throat as I gulped hard.


I didn't. Did I?

I didn't love Elizabeth. We had a great time together. We've been spending a lot of time together. I cared about her a lot... but she knew it wasn't... I didn't... we knew we were just pretending in front of everyone. But at the same time, there wasn't much pretending from the time we came to England.

"See you can't even deny it," she laughed sardonically and I just stared at her. My eyes frantic as the wheels in my head turned. "You know what even if you do love her what makes you think she'll love you?" I quirked an eyebrow at her. "You're rotten and you were unfaithful to me and most probably every other girl you've been with. That girl in there seems smart to know scum when she sees it."

I took a dangerous step forward and she took one back as she visibly gulped at my straight posture."I wasn't unfaithful to every girl I've been with mind you and if you're forgetting," I leaned in close as if to tell her a secret. "You cheated on me first." She shut her blue eyes tightly as if the words I said were a dagger I plunged into her chest. She kept on walking back and I kept my voice low as I stalked her with slow steps. "I just wanted you to feel what it was like." Her back hit the wall and she stared up at me frightened. I caged her between my arms and tucked the hair falling in her face behind her ear. "To love someone. Make it your goal to make them happy and then they betray you and for what a drunken one night stand," I seethed, taking a step back and creating space between us.

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