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I held my grocery bags in one hand while I used the other to fish the house keys out of my bag. I unlocked the door and pushed it open while trying hard to watch my step and not drop the bags to the floor.

The food in the oven gave the house a very homely smell and I enjoyed knowing that my family was coming over. I looked forward to it. I missed all of them it had been three months since I last saw any of them.

Work was a drag. I was a commercial lawyer and I was exhausted from working six days a week. I left the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and then my foot tramped something hard.

I looked down and it was a plastic Lego. Thank the heavens I had shoes on or I'd be cursing till the sunset. I picked up the block and then checked the roast in the oven. It was done so I switched the oven off and stalked over to my bedroom.

Luca was lucky that the food didn't burn or I'd be making an appearance in the next episode of wives with knives. I pushed open the bedroom door to see Luca soundlessly asleep with our daughter on his chest.

My spine was as good as a red vine when it came to him and Liliana. They were my weakness. I moved to pick Lily up and put her in the cot. Luca was just as exhausted as I was but we always found the energy for each other and our family.

Liliana was only two years old and so much like him. She had a mixture of both our eyes. Her eyes were hazel with hints of green in the corneas. I've never seen anything more beautiful and her hair was the same shade of brown as mine.

She got her crankiness from Luca.

After rocking her to ensure that she was still sleeping I put her down. The day I found out I was pregnant I freaked out. Luca was excited and it was good that he was a pediatrician because I freaked out about everything when it came to Lily. From one tiny sneeze to a small fever I went full panic mode.

When I turned around Luca was awake and watching me with his arms behind his head. He wasn't wearing a shirt only grey sweatpants. "Love," his voice was groggy and full of sleep and his eyes closed again.

I chuckled. "Wake up hairy ape-man. Our family will be here soon," I teased.

His eyes instantly shot open."What did you just call me Elizabeth?" He said sitting up in the bed.

"You heard me." He shook his head in disapproval as he stood and stalked over to me. "Apologize," he said and I smirked.

"For telling the truth," I feigned surprise and he grabbed me picking me up by my waist and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Luca," I laughed and he gave me a shot on my backside before throwing me on the bed.

"Shhh, you'll wake her. Do you know how long it took me to get her to sleep." He grinned wickedly knowing that I didn't want to wake her up before she could wake up on her own.

It would be war. 

He bent down and placed a small peck on my lips. "I love you."

"I love you more." He kissed me again and then fell flat on me hugging me as he rested his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Do we have to get up babe," he asked.

I kissed his forehead. "Yes we do," I sighed. He picked his head up and kissed me again. This time deeper, yet gentle. I groaned. "No no no," I pushed him away and he grinned.

"What," he laughed.

"You coming in the kitchen with me. To cook."

"To cook is that what the kids are calling it these days?" He smirked.

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