Chapter 31

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I stood awkwardly at the side of Luca's room, watching him and Allison embracing. The sight of him holding her so close stirred up something in me. It had bile rising in the back of my throat as well as my temperature rising.

He let go of her and his eyes wandered over to me, locking onto my mine briefly. I noticed the softness in his eyes as well as the tiny think lines that formed on his forehead as he just looked between me and Allison.

Allison looked over her shoulder to see what he was looking at. She raised her one eyebrow slightly when she saw me standing idly by Luca's bed.  Tucking a wavy lock of hair behind her ear, she sauntered over to me. "Hey, you must be Elizabeth," she smiled. "Wow you are ..." she paused looking me up and down briefly. "Decent." She laughed dryly. "No wonder why his mother loves you," she snarled. It was hard to miss the venom in her voice as she said those last few words.

She was a tall beautiful girl, correction she was a woman. She had long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that could put the bluest of oceans to shame. She was wearing a pink coat that covered a black leather dress that ended just above her knees.

Her makeup was immaculate. Dark winged eyeliner and red lipstick. No smudges. Perfect like a barbie doll.

No wonder why Luca was in love with her. She was gorgeous. She looked like she belonged on the cover of a magazine with her slim waist and a picture-perfect face.

"It's nice to meet you," my voice crawled it's way up my throat.

"This is kind of weird," she laughed again. "Luca she's not even your type," She called, looking over her shoulder at him. He remained silent, his eyes were wide as he ran his fingers through his hair.

His type.

I was taken back but caught myself quickly before I could react. "I'll give you two some privacy," I said, walking towards the doorway.

What did she mean that I wasn't his type. Was it because I wasn't as thin as she was, or my hair didn't look like it was liquid gold, or maybe it was because my eyes were just plain brown instead of sparkling blue or refreshing green.

Even though I didn't have any unique outstanding features, I was still a human. Ten fingers and toes.

"That would be highly appreciated," she purred, walking over to Luca and running her hands over his broad shoulders flirtatiously.


"Wait princess," Luca called as I walked out of the room and I bit my bottom lip. I turned around to see Allison glaring at him. "Where are you going?"

Allison turned her heated gaze towards me. "Darling why do you care where she is going. She is giving us time alone," she said, as she entwined her fingers with Luca's.

I smiled, trying hard not to vomit or gag. "I'm going to explore the house a bit," Luca looked like he was about to say something, but I turned on my heel and left the room before he could say anything else.

This was too much for one night. I didn't want to go back downstairs to the party and schmooze with the company. I didn't fit in with that type of crowd anymore.

I'm not indicating that I lost manners and grace when we lost all our money. It's just that I felt keeping up and trying to fake it was time-consuming as well as exhausting. I just needed an uncrowded place I could relax in for a while.

I stopped at the double doors Luca told me was a library. I opened the door and walked into the darkroom feeling around the wall for a light switch. "Bingo," I uttered out loud, finally finding the switch. I flicked the lights on and the room was illuminated with warm yellow light.

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