Chapter 48

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After a few card games and sharing stories about the past weeks, the conversation died down. I looked outside and the sun was about to set. I put it off long enough. Beckett had to know.

We were both leaning against the kitchen counter watching Callum and Himari play an intense game of crazy eight. The kitchen was warm and smelled of chocolate. Blaire was baking while she hummed mindlessly to herself. "Can we talk for a minute?" I nudged Beckett.

"Yeah sure."

I moved to the glass sliding door and he followed me outside. The wind was icy and usually, my teeth would be chattering but the nerves kept me warm. The sky was quickly darkening only a little hue of orange now visible on the horizon.

I sat down under the tree with my back against the trunk. Beckett sat in front of me. He had a smile on his face and it just made things even harder knowing that I was going to wipe it off in less than minutes.

"Hey what's up?" He patted my knee. "You look disturbed. I've never seen you make that face before."

I looked up at him and swallowed a lump in my throat. I never had to do this to someone before. "I think it's time for us to have that conversation."

He nodded, biting onto his bottom lip. The smile remained on his face. "So you've thought about it?"

"Yes and Beckett you must know you have become my best friend," I smiled at him and he smiled back. "But I can't see beyond those lines." The smile instantly vanished from his face and he dropped his eyes running a hand through his hair.

"Oh." His eyebrows scrunched together and he went silent for a while as he stared at the ground. "Tell me something, Liz." His voice was soft no hint of anger yet. "Is it because Luca is the one that's blocking your sight?"

I swallowed hard. I wasn't planning on telling him about Luca as yet I wanted to see how he took the first part. "Beckett-"

"He is. Isn't he?" He laughed shaking his head. He immediately moved to stand and I grabbed his hand.

His eyes hardened and he looked away. "Please don't go." I stood with him and he ran a hand through his hair again. His eyes, not meeting mine.

"Liz I don't even understand. I thought he had a girlfriend why would you let him be the one that stops us from being together?" he asked. "You are hurting yourself. Callum told me he is attached to that girl. He won't break up with her."

I gulped hard at those words. The guilt of Luca leaving Allison creeping up on me again. "Beckett he broke up with her." Those words hung in the air as Beckett's eyes snapped back up at my face, searching.

"Liz you still didn't answer my earlier question. What was Luca doing here?" I didn't answer. The answer would put all the puzzle pieces Beckett was working with together and he already looked like he was having a hard time with accepting what I was telling him. "Got it," He turned around and began walking away.

"Beckett please wait," I called after him.

"No Liz. I don't want to talk anymore you made your decision now just- " His voice was defeated and then I heard the sliding door open.

Callum walked out with a confused look on his face. Blaire and Himari were less confused because they probably knew what ticked Beckett off.

"What happened to Beckett?" Cullum asked.

"Callum I'm so sorry can you please go talk to him." Callum nodded and ran after Beckett. I felt terrible. Maybe there was a different way I should have done it. I tried to soften my words as best as I could.

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