Chapter 28

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Elizabeth's POV

Tyler's confession played over and over in my head. It was like an annoying song I couldn't stop humming to. Could it of been the truth, I constantly found myself wondering. I never asked myself why I was so quick to hear Jess out that day and not Tyler. Was it because I couldn't believe that my best friend would intentionally try to hurt me.

All the thoughts in my head became too much and I knew I had to confide in someone. I needed advice. So I went to Blaire and Himari for it. They allowed me to vent and get everything off my chest and I felt ten pounds lighter after. They gave me advice and told me that I shouldn't let what happened in my past hold me back from making friends and trusting people.

It seemed easier to be on my own but it also felt lonely.

I eventually misplaced Tyler's business card. I remember taking it out of my pocket to wash my work uniform. I was oddly glad to be rid of it. I didn't want to throw it out but at the same time, I was unsure about calling him.

I didn't want to open that chapter of my life again with him. He was a good boyfriend up until the entire cheating incident but we've both changed so much since then.

I haven't seen Luca since that night. He would send me the occasional text message once every few days. There were only two weeks left until we had to go to England.

I decided not to tell my mother that I was going to England. I knew she would strongly disagree and I wanted to go to England.

I needed a vacation.

My bedroom door burst open and I turned my head to see Beckett barge into my room with his laptop in his hands. "I got a fifty on Villin's paper. I knew it. I knew the mean fuck would mark me down." We had finished all our projects and assignments a week ago and professor Villin was the first out of all our professors to grade our papers.

Beckett still hated Villin's guts more than anything on the planet and it's not like I was a fan of Villin either.

"Shhh, come sit. You messing up with the feng shui." He closed up his laptop leaving it on my homework desk before walking over to my bed and kicking off his shoes. He laid down upside down with me and we looked up at the ceiling.

We both released a sigh at the same time. "I've never seen you look this relaxed before." His voice was softer and calmer than when he first entered my room.

"No assignments due and I'm off," I said, with a happy smile on my face.

"You're off you say?" He said, suggestively.

"Yeah," I said, turning my head slightly to look at him.

"Let's go out then," he suddenly said. "Let's paint the town red." He picked up his hand moving it in a semi-circular motion for emphasis.

"Urgh," I groaned and turned away from him to face the window instead. "Can't I just sleep? I finally have time to do the thing I love most."

I felt the bed shift and I looked over my shoulder. He got out of bed and began putting his shoes on. "You can sleep when you're dead."

"I am dead," I whined. "On the inside." He grabbed on my hand and began tugging. "Go away," I cried and he chuckled, pulling me halfway off the bed. I gave up and sat up thinking. I didn't want to go anywhere. But being alone with my thoughts wasn't doing my mental state any favors. I put on my shoes. "Okay fine. Let's go," I yawned.

I stood and walked over to my closet and grabbed a hoodie, pulling it over my head. I could hear Beckett chuckle as I pulled my head through the hoodie. My hair messily fell in my face and I ran my fingers through it. "Gorgeous now let's go," he said, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me out of the room.

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