Chapter 15

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Elizabeth's POV

It had been five days since my first outing. Five days since Beckett tried to kiss me. Surprisingly when he picked me up for classes on Monday things weren't awkward between us. Tuesday we hung out after classes and watched a movie before I could go to work, and today we worked on our assignments together.

I think Beckett realized that it would have been a mistake if we did kiss. Maybe he also valued our friendship as much as I did. "How lovely," Blake said appearing next to me and balancing his head on his elbows. He had a dreamy look on his face." I guess I'm paying you to be a waste of space," he then glowered. "Make yourself useful or get out of my sight," he said before storming off.

Like always I was exhausted. Blake had been extra cranky ever since we got a review from a food critique saying that our red velvet cheesecake was a tad bit dry.

He walked out of the restaurant doors and a few waiters and waitresses peeped their heads as they watched him leave. He had a meeting with the bank. That meant that the workers were going to be left in peace for a while.

It had also been five days since I've seen Hendricks. I didn't need the added emotional abuse and I'm glad he hasn't shown his face. I busied myself by the computer looking up the rest of the reservations for the night. The restaurant wasn't as busy.

I heard the doors part and I looked up to see the last man I ever wanted to see. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hendricks. I knew it was too good to be true. Five days of peace for one night of hell. It wasn't a fair trade. The night seemed to drag on whenever I had to deal with him. He walked over to me with an odd-looking expression on his face and I unconsciously started to fiddle with my hands as if I didn't know what to do with them.

My heart was racing in anticipation of what was to come for the rest of my evening. Could I take anymore belittling or insults. He stopped in front of the desk. He looked confused. He looked as if his thoughts were contradicting him.

His eyebrows furrowed and tiny creases started to appear on his forehead. He was dressed in formal clothes. A black formal shirt and black pants. His top collar button was opened revealing a small part of his tattoo again. His beard was neatly trimmed and his hair was pushed back. It was hard for me to guess his age due to his beard and hair.

"Hello," he said, smiling and I took a step back from shock. Not because he had crooked teeth or anything but because he was smiling at me. Why was he smiling at me. "Table for one and is there any chance of you being my server." I looked at him speechless.

"Urm..." I drawled while I searched my brain for possible answers to this strange man's behavior. "I'll see if any servers are available," I finally said and he shook his head.

"No I want you," he said, in a sound of desperation and my eyes widened. Taking in my shocked and speechless state. He ran a hand down his face and mumbled incoherently under his breath. He let out a breath of frustration and looked back up at me. "What I mean is that I would prefer it to be you since you know how I like my food," he tried to correct himself.

I started to get a weird sense of stranger danger from him at that moment. I worked in diners before but in all my years of being a server. I have never encountered a customer that was so hot one minute and then cold the next.

"I'm just going to go see if anyone else is available," I said slipping away from behind the desk slowly.

"No-," he tried to call after me, but I moved fast to get away from him. I walked into the restaurant looking for anyone available. There were no available waiters around the tables so I went into the kitchen.

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