Chapter 5

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My alarm obnoxiously beeped beside me, causing me to stifle a yawn as I forcefully opened my eyes. My eyes felt like they were glued together by an invisible force.

I got out of my bed and a slight chill in the air had every hair on my body standing, making me miss the comfort of my mattress. Truth be told I was exhausted. I stretched out my body and heard my bones crack, delightfully. I was only nineteen but I was feeling fifty-one.

Blake had me working extra shifts before university started. Blake was a cynical man that believed the universe owed him something. He was never nice to the staff at El Royal and if he showed any signs of being nice it was mistaken for sarcasm.

The customer's at El Royal was intolerable. Rich men and women were equally the same. The woman treated me like a slave, sending me back into the kitchen to reheat food that I just served, because it was not hot enough or because their salad was 'too moist.'

The men stared at me without an ounce of shame, letting their eyes linger longer than necessary. While their significant others were right next to them clinging onto their arm for dear life and sending me nasty scowls.

Even though I went through moist salads and perverted men. I wasn't ready for my first day at university.

I walked out of my bedroom and the sound of music filled my ears, chasing away every thought that had taken up residence in my head. I already knew who the culprit disturbing my morning peace was.

Himari loved music and she sang every morning. Actually, she sang whenever she felt like it. We had two bathrooms, but unfortunately, the shower faucet broke in one and we had to manage with sharing one bathroom until we could replace the faucet.

I tried the bathroom door and it was locked. "Blaire get out of there it's been two hours!" Himari shouted while coming out of her room. Himari was already dressed in a grey lace top and black skinny jeans. Her dark long hair was tied up into a high ponytail and she had a light layer of makeup on her face which brought out her beautiful brown eyes.

The bathroom door finally opened and our jaws dropped. Blaire had a floral pink scarf wrapped around the bottom half of her face, covering her mouth and nose. She was wearing denim skinny jeans and she had a white vest on.

"Blaire?" Himari gawked.

"Don't ask okay," Blaire's voice came out hoarse and her eyes were glossy as if she had been crying.

Before I could ask what happened she pushed past me and went into her bedroom closing the door behind her. "What happened to her?" I asked Himari and she shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

I had two minds about going after Blaire and getting the truth out of her. "I'll be downstairs having breakfast," Himari said, walking to the end of the hallway. I took one last look at Blaire's closed bedroom door and decided to give her space.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and took a look at myself in the oval-shaped mirror that hung on the wall. I had bags under my eyes and my hair looked as if something was living in it.

I reached for the toothpaste and my toothbrush so that I could brush my teeth. I couldn't help but stare at my ghastly reflection in the mirror while I brushed my teeth.

Could I handle having a part-time job while juggling my studies if I already look like the walking dead? I've only been working at El Royal for a week. I wasn't about to quit before I got started so I pushed away all slivers of doubt.

Feeling inspired I gargled my mouth and removed my clothes to take a shower. I got into the shower and let the water wash over me as I tried to come up with a plan to survive this year.

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