Chapter 16

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Elizabeth's POV

One thing that shouldn't have surprised me about life was its degree of unpredictability. Yet here I sat in the front seat of a Mercedes owned by the man I once claimed to hate. His eyes remained glued to the slow-moving traffic in front of us. He glared at the honking cars and often mumbled under his breath. The aircon was freezing me alive but I didn't dare say a thing about it. He looked like he was lost in thought.

The reflection of the lights from the cars in front of us illuminated his eyes in a beautiful yet mystic way. His knuckles began to turn white with how hard he was gripping onto the steering wheel.

We sat in awkward silence. I waited for him to say something, but he just remained silent and stared at the road ahead. The numbing silence didn't seem to bother him or he was just too distracted by his thoughts to notice.

Having enough of his silence I decided to talk."Where are we going?" I asked and he shrugged. "Wherever you want to go," he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Home," I said and he turned to look at me for the first time since I got into his car.

"I want ice cream," he said and I looked at him in bewilderment. A smile began to form on his face. "I know a great ice cream shop around here. You want to go?" He asked putting his eyes back on the road.

"Fine," I said getting the feeling I wasn't going to get much of a conversation while he was driving.

The suspense of why he could have needed me ate at me. I couldn't stand not knowing anymore. Twenty-odd minutes later he switched off the car engine in front of a quaint ice cream shop. He moved to get out of the car and I did the same. The car door was heavy and I lost my grip causing the door to slam. Hendricks turned around and glared at me. "Did you just slam my car door?" he looked horrified. He looked as if he had just witnessed a murder right before his very eyes. 

"I'm sorry," I said turning red from embarrassment.

He let out a sigh and looked up to the Heavens as if he was pleading with them. He looked back at me and let out a ragged breath before turning to walk into the ice cream shop.

They had white tables and chairs outside the ice cream shop. The shop had a giant window in the front, allowing us to see everything that was going on inside. Luca held the door open for me and I walked into what felt like a freezer. The walls had a combination of green, pink, blue, and yellow stripes of paint.

Luca stood in front of the glass that displayed the various ice creams. His face was scrunched up in seriousness as he observed the ice cream choices. There was a variety. The usual chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, caramel, mint, and then the not so usual bubblegum, banana, blueberry, and cookie dough.

A lady standing behind the counter stared at Luca and licked her lips. She neatened her hair and straightened her uniform. "Hi my name is Emily," she introduced herself. Her eyes remained fixed on him. It's like I had somehow become invisible. "What would you like?" She asked smiling through her teeth.

"Three scoops of chocolate and two vanilla," he said and she giggled like it was the most hilarious thing in the world. He looked at her in confusion and then turned to me. "What would you like love?" He asked, and her giggles died down. Her eyes moved from him to me, acknowledging my presence. Her eyes were narrowed into slits but yet she was smiling at me. She kind of looked like a creepy clown. I wanted to tell her that he meant nothing by the word love and he was just English.

"Three scoops of Strawberry and one vanilla," I simply said. She rolled her eyes and started to arrange the ice cream in paper cups. What was her problem.

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