Chapter 24

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Luca's POV

It had been a week since Elizabeth met my family. A week since she punched that fuck bag, Trent. I will admit I was surprised. I underestimated princess. I didn't think she had it in her to knee a guy in his giblets, then punch him in the face.

When I had walked into her apartment and found him asleep on the couch I felt something in me snap.
I felt protective of Elizabeth. I didn't know why or how. I was a doctor meaning that I was supposed to be helping people. But when it came to Elizabeth, I would have probably killed Trent.

It wasn't only me, that she had this strange effect on. My mother and sister wouldn't shut up about how amazing or just how beautiful and intelligent she was.

They took time every day to tell me how lucky I was to have such an amazing girl by my side.  It was driving me crazy. Even though she was not around they still spoke about her.

They constantly worried me to bring her over but I couldn't have her near me all the time so I made excuses saying that she was working or studying.

I didn't have female friends especially female friends that looked like Elizabeth. It was wrong the way I'd look at her sometimes. It was wrong the thoughts I'd have of her. I think it was because I was missing Allison.

I told Allison about my mother and Stephanie taking a fast liking to Elizabeth and she was not happy about the matter. She was grumpy about it. Allison argued, that they portrayed her to be some kind of hell demon, and portrayed Elizabeth, to be my saving grace.

Having to deal with four women with very different personalities was no walk in the park. Especially one very hormonal pregnant woman which was my sister. I barely had peace. I constantly had to remind myself that this was only temporary.

I sat in front of the tv watching a football game. I came home from college an hour early since a lecture for the day was canceled. I had the apartment to myself since everyone was out doing some wedding or business stuff.

I loved spending time with mum and Stephanie... Harry well I barely spoke to Harry. I was trying to go back home, so I didn't want to get into an argument with Harry that might hurt my chances of going home.

The front door burst open and in came Stephanie and James. James was carrying all of Stephanie's bags. She was holding her back as she let out a breath. "Steph are you okay?" I moved to stand by her side. "What happened."

"Nothing brother I'm just tired," she sighed. Mum came barreling in after Stephanie carrying a few shopping bags followed by Harry and Christain that were also carrying bags.

"What is all of this," I said, looking at all of the shopping bags that decorated my apartment floor. "This is a bit excessive don't you think?"I said and moved to sit down on the couch again.

"Well we need outfits for the photoshoot the pre-wedding ball, and then the wedding," Stephanie said out of breath and Christian placed a kiss on her temple.

"What in the world is a pre-wedding ball?" I asked in exasperation.

"Oh it's like a rehearsal dinner but more like a party," she said in excitement. "I even got a ball gown for Liz," she cheered. "Oh I hope she loves it, but please don't tell her. I want to surprise her."

Jameson eyed me from the corner of his eye. He hadn't gotten over the fact that Elizabeth and I were together. "I see you watching the game son," Harry said and moved to sit down next to me.

Yes please, I would love some company. Fuck!

I pulled out my phone and went over to my text messages. I hadn't sent Elizabeth a text before. I wanted to check up on her. She was doing me a favor after all and I didn't want it to seem like I was using her.

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