Chapter 1

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Elizabeth's POV

                  Four year's later.

Losing someone you love is never easy. My sole purpose after my father's death has been to take care of my mother. She had been worse for wear after his death and she sadly turned to alcohol.

She had tried to stop but the pain of missing my father proved to be an unbearable one and the alcohol offered her a mild relief. A moment to forget it all.

After one year of being a slave to sadness, she had finally agreed to get help. We were staying with my aunt Aubrey, at the time. After my father's death, we sold the property and cars and moved to Pasadena where my aunt lived.

Aunt Aubrey had been there for me along with her two sons when mom went off to rehab. I attended a public high school with her youngest son Andrew.

The relationship Andrew and I shared were like that of siblings. Percy aunt Aubrey's eldest son was at university at the time and he however proved to behave more like my father or sometimes even worse. Percy was rather strict with me. Let's just say because of him and Andrew the first and last boyfriend of my teenage years was Tyler.

After one year of mom recovering, she finally came back and we bought a little house in the suburbs. My grades in school slipped and I barely made it to meet the standards to get a university scholarship. My mother argued that it had nothing to do with how smart I was and that I had gone through a huge change of circumstances.

Mom was starting to get better with dealing with her depression and she took on a job as a professor at Caltech University. We had both been saving every penny we could for me to go to Columbia University in New York. Mom and I already flew there a few weeks ago and made all the final payments as well as organized my housing. I was going to be staying with two other girls. Blaire and Himari at the Cortland off-campus housing.

As I stood in my room and packed the last of my sweaters into my suitcase I couldn't help the emotions that washed over me. I was leaving mom. I was leaving my best friend. "Liz," my mother called, popping her head into my room. The smile she had on her face had immediately vanished as soon as she saw my tear-stained cheeks.

"Peanut, please don't be sad," she cooed,  coming over to me. She engulfed me in a hug and I breathed in her familiar scent. "I'll work extra hours in order to have money to fly you back and forth whenever you feel homesick."

"No, no you will not. I can't let you do that. You work hard enough as it is."

"I owe it to you Peanut."

"You owe me, nothing mom," I said and she wiped away her fallen tears.

"Do you have everything?" She questioned, letting go of me and moving to look at all the things displayed out on my bed.

"Yes, mom."




"Ma!" I exclaimed.

"Just checking peanut," she chuckled. I earned the nickname peanut from my father after I had choked on one in a fancy restaurant. The workers at the restaurant were petrified that my father would sue but my father was never one to make a mountain out of a molehill. Even though we were rich we were humble. I'm not allergic to nuts but I had grown a strong dislike for them ever since that day.

My mother walked over to my now zipped suitcase and opened it up again. "Liz are you sure you want to take Mr. Grobbles with you to university?" she asked holding him up. Mr. Grobbles was a brown fluffy monkey that had one glass eye and one button eye. I couldn't sleep without holding onto him.

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