Chapter 18

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Elizabeth's POV

"So let me get this straight. Luca my brother's best friend wants you to be his pretend girlfriend so he can go back home?" Beckett inquired for the umpteenth time since I've told him about the entire arrangement with Hendricks.

"Yes," I sighed.

"I should probably punch the guy in the face the next time I see him," Beckett said. He was now lying flat on my bed with his hands behind his head as he scowled up at the ceiling. "I mean Liz, why didn't you tell me that douche bag was bothering you at the restaurant. I would have taken care of him a long time ago."

"It's fine Beckett I'm handling it," I said, looking through my closet for something suitable to wear for the evening with Luca's family. I've never met a boy's parents before. Even though Luca wasn't my boyfriend I was still terrified. I wanted to make a good impression.

I had already told Himari and Blaire, about my situation with Luca. I told Beckett, the truth because I had no reason to lie to him about where I was going for the rest of the night. He wasn't happy about me ditching him to help Luca. He thought it was insane.  He even said he'd watch frozen again if I canceled on Luca, and just stayed with him.

I didn't know if I should wear a dress or a pair of jeans with a suitable top.  In the romance movies I watched, the girl always wears a beautiful summer dress when she meets the boy's parents. But it wasn't summer. It was confusing autumn.

"I don't know what to wear," I said out loud in frustration. I heard Beckett sigh heavily.

"I'm not about to help you find an outfit to meet some other dude's parents."

A knock came on my door and I looked over my shoulder to see Blaire and Himari standing by the doorway. "Beat it gas monkey," Himari said to Beckett and he groaned as he woke up from my bed.

"Don't have to tell me twice," he said, walking out of my room.

"Why so grumpy," Blaire called after him.

"Because Liz is going out with Luca fucking Hendricks instead of with me."

"Green isn't a very nice color on you Beckett," Himari shouted after him and chuckled.

Blaire came over to me and stood beside me. "So what are you wearing?" She asked and I shook my head.

"That's the million-dollar question isn't it?" I chuckled.

"Well, what would you hate wearing right now?" Himari asked and I looked over my shoulder to see her sitting on my bed cross-legged.

"A dress with heels," I admitted and Blaire grinned.

"Well that's exactly what you're going to wear," she said mischievously and began to ransack my closet.


Blaire and Himari, are what I'd always imagine having sisters would be like. They're supportive, funny, goofy, and always there for me emotionally. Blaire did a great job getting me ready for the dinner with Luca's family.

She picked out a long-sleeved navy blue dress that ended on my knee and paired it with a pair of black wedges. If I had to wear heels I preferred the wedge. It's much more comfortable than walking on pencils.

She straightened my hair and applied a light layer of makeup to my face. She said I looked sophisticated and I was sure to knock the socks of Luca's family.

I went downstairs because I knew Luca would arrive at any second. It was already four pm. Beckett was seated on the couch and he looked up at me only to grunt and turn the other way. "Oh come on you acting like a child," I said and he grunted again. His hair falling on his forehead as he pouted in the opposite direction.

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