Chapter 8

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Elizabeth's POV

I was seething, I was on the brink. People like him make me want to commit murder. He was the most self-righteous, rambunctious... in conclusion he was a walking talking ass hat!

If I didn't need the job I would have shattered the wine bottle on his big head. Nothing gives anyone the right to treat someone the way he treated me. If there was one thing I've learned personally in life, it's that life is ever-changing, meaning that no human condition is ever permanent.

His insults stung more since he was English. "How fascinating could you tell me how old the grapevine was and who picked the grapes from it?" I was taken back by his sudden outburst at me, but then he made a scene about the wine causing the customers to look up from their meals. After that, I could feel my body gravitate to the shiny steak knife that lay wrapped in a napkin on the table.

I swallowed my pride, I remained silent even though something in me was screaming to let him have it, but I remained silent because I needed money. It killed me to remain silent but I did it. It made me feel cheap that I would take his insults with a grain of salt just for money. But I had to choose. My mother working day and night so that I could study or me working just a few hours a day and taking on the added verbal abuse so she could rest easily.

Thinking about how tired my mother must have been, gave me my second wind. It made me swallow my self-dignity. I would encounter way worse customers than him. He was just the first wave of what was to come.

I didn't know how long I would work at El Royal. I was to be studying for four years. Could I simply take four years of dealing with customers like him. The thought infuriated me as I wiped down a table. I needed to look for a new job.

"Woah, what did that table ever do to you?" Seth chuckled from behind me. "Oh, bad night?" He asked, moving to stand on the side of me, and from the corner of my eye, I could see he was pushing a cart.

"Something like that," I muttered, under my breath.

"Huh?" he sounded and I stopped wiping the table so that I can look up at him. "Anyway, Blake's looking for you," he said and my nerves turned up again.

The last time Blake was looking for someone they got fired. But why would Blake fire me. I was being ridiculous unless Mr. Royal pain in the arse complained about me.

"Did he say why he was looking for me," I asked, trying to hide the anxiety that was clear in my voice.

Seth shrugged and moved to remove a table cloth from the table opposite me. "He didn't say. He just said tell Liz to come see me," he said and put the table cloth in the cart before rolling it away.

I swallowed the growing lump in my throat. Well, when it rains it pours. Today started okay, then went to real crappy, and now dealing with Blake at the end of the night was going to be the cherry on top of the crappy day.

Come on Liz you going to be a lawyer. Be tough.

I straightened my tie and ran my hands down my uniform. No matter what happens I will not cry. I will not cry or make a scene! I mentally warned myself. I will be a normal human being of society and cry into my stuffed monkey.

I walked up to the front desk because that's the place Blake spent more time than any other place in the restaurant. He was bending over digging into one of the desk compartments and I cleared my throat making him aware of my presence.

"Blake," I said and he stood up straight.

"Elizabeth," he said, sternly and I quivered. It's going to be okay. I will find a new job. Even if it's handing out fliers on the sidewalk. I mentally assured myself as I braced myself for the possibility of being unemployed.

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