Chapter 32

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I was reluctant. I didn't want to spend my first day in England, at Luca's girlfriend's house. But Luca was insistent. There was simply no arguing with him. His skull was as thick as an elephant's, but yet I needed to try and talk him out of it.

The grey somber sky was a reflection of my mood and the song of the rainbirds a reflection of my internal screaming. "How about this. You could leave me in an ice cream shop," I suggested. It wasn't the only suggestion I made. I also opted for a museum, art gallery, and the mall.

"For the seventh time princess and yes I have been counting. No," he breathed. Putting extra emphasis on the word no.

No matter how many times I asked I got the same answer over and over a resounding 'no'. I was persistent. I'd hope he'd see the obscurity of the situation and change his mind but to no avail. "Don't you think it's a bit strange for me to hang out with you and your girlfriend?" I voiced and he laughed hysterically.


I stared at him with narrow eyes. I didn't see what was so funny. Was there some underlying joke or was my misery his punchline. "Of course it is. It's completely mental. This entire predicament is strange princess but in England, you're my responsibility," he repeated the same words. 'His responsibility'. He made it sound like I was a goldfish he was taking care of for a few days.

Again I reminded him. "I'm not a child. I'm more than capable of handling myself, Luca."

He laughed again and I was getting sick of his condescension. "You're a foreigner in this country. You don't know all the places or the way home. You could get lost."

He looked through the cars review mirrors before parking on the pavement and turning off the ignition. He mumbled incoherently under his breath as he moved to get out. I didn't miss the look of frustration on his face as he walked over to my passenger's side door. He yanked the door open and gestured with his big head for me to get out.

Going to my last resort. I used his frustration against him. I offered him something I thought he wouldn't be able to refuse. "How about I wait in the car," I suggested. I had books loaded on my phone I wouldn't be bored. "I'm not walking around on my own. I'll be right here where you left me," I smiled.

He stared blankly at me and ran a hand down his face. "As much as I would love that princess. It's illegal to leave children locked in cars. Now come on. Don't make me carry you," he threatened, turning on his heel. I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt.

I got out of the car and followed behind him. "What does Allison think of me third wheeling?" I asked trailing behind him only to walk face-first into his hardback. It felt like walking into a brick wall.

He turned around, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I didn't actually tell her..."

My jaw fell open. "Are you serious?" I gawked.

"Slipped my mind, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind. She does understand the situation after all." He continued walking, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I counted in my head. There was no need to lose my cool and scream my lungs out at him. One: he is an idiot, Two: I'm the bigger idiot that lets him get away with crap, Three: murdering someone is not always the answer!

He walked up to the house that was painted brown and had a brickwork chimney. I followed him along the cobblestone pathway. This part of Liverpool was different from where Luca lived. There was less greenery and more civilization.

Luca walked through the front door of the house without knocking as if he owned the place. Loud music immediately hit me in waves causing my eardrums to vibrate. The room was packed with people and I really wanted at that moment for Luca to turn around and tell me that we walked into the wrong house.

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