Chapter 13

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I knew Blaire encouraged the idea of Beckett and I being a couple. Beckett was the first guy I started trusting again. He couldn't be attracted to me. His banter was just banter nothing more. Besides, I didn't look like the type of girl he would be interested in anyway.

I was worried that by being dressed like this I would of give him the wrong impression. I didn't want him to think that I was trying to impress him. I sat at my desk attempting to complete the rest of my assignment.

I was going to be working nine-hour shifts on the weekend and I knew I would be extremely exhausted to even open a textbook when I got home from work.

A knock came on my door and I woke up with a huff. I had a strange pain in my lower back. I wasn't even twenty yet and I had aches and pains. I shudder to imagine how I'd be when I'm sixty.

I opened the door to find Beckett leaning against my door frame. He was dressed in black jeans and a white shirt. "Wow," he said looking me up and down. "You look like the woman of my dreams."

"Please don't tease me," I said and he chuckled.

"You look great," he said walking past me and flopping himself on my bed.

"I'm starting to feel like you think you welcome here now," I said walking over to my desk to put away my textbooks. Add OCD to my list of idiosyncrasies.

"Please no pretending to hate me tonight," he said in exhaustion.

I gasped. "Who said I was pretending." He rolled his eyes and stood up and walked over to me.

"Then say it," he said standing just inches away from me.

"Say what, Beckett," he brought his face just inches away from mine.

"Say Beckett I don't like you." He lowered his head to look me in the eyes. He had a victorious smirk on his face but I wasn't going to give him satisfaction.

I looked him back in the eyes."Fine I don't," I said and he pulled away.

"No, you don't mean that," he chuckled and a humorous smile formed on my face.

"I just said it. Didn't I?"

"You guys ready to go," Callum asked popping up at my door with his arm around Blaire.

Blaire looked amazing. She was wearing a black crop top covered with a grey see-through blouse that she matched with blue ripped jeans and black high tops.

Callum was dressed in a grey graphic shirt that had the image of a black wolf's head printed on the front of it and he was wearing black cuffed jeans. I looked at the way Beckett was dressed and I finally got that term Balire mentioned earlier.

Couple goals.

"I think we should leave now if we want to get parking," Callum said looking down at his watch.

We walked down the stairs to say goodbye to Himari. She was sitting on the couch with Ozzy stroking the back of his head with the back of her index finger. "Himi are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Blaire asked and she shook her head.

"The smell of motor oil mixed with noise and alcohol. No thank you." I envied Himari at this moment. She was in her onesy watching TV. She looked quite content and there was no chance of us convincing her to join us.

We walked out of the house and to Callum's car. "So are you excited to go to your very first motorcycle event," Beckett asked and I raised an eyebrow?

"Why did I agree to this again."

"Because I'm quite persuasive," he said, straightening his jacket.

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