Chapter 29

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I was entirely undoubtedly clueless. It was apparent to everyone else that Beckett had feelings for me, but not to me. When I had told Blaire and Himari about his confession and how taken off guard I was, they erupted into uncontrollable laughter.

My main question was why would he like me. I couldn't understand it. He was good looking and on my best day, I considered my outer look decent.

It had been a few days since his confession. He acted normally around me but I could feel the elephant in the room. I knew I couldn't avoid the subject matter forever. He would soon need an answer.

I didn't know what I felt. Sometimes I felt like I could go through with it. That I could just give him that chance but at the same time, I was anxious. I didn't want to risk my heart.

"Liz," Himari called and I looked up at her from staring blankly at the kitchen sliding door.


"Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

"She's been sulking ever since Beckett confessed his undying love," Blaire said, putting spices into a pot. She was making pasta.

"I have not been sulking," I stifled a yawn. "He's my friend. I should think about this carefully before jumping into something we'd both regret."

"I think you overthinking everything. You and Beckett spend every day together. It's like you already dating him," Blaire shrugged.

"Well she does have a point," Himari chimed.

"And as for you," Blaire said to Himari and Himari smiled.

"Me," she said holding a hand to her chest.

"Yes, you. Are you ever going to tell us what happened between you and Percy that night?"

"There is nothing to tell," Himari shrugged. Himari never engaged in girly gossip or spoke about her feelings. She would occasionally tease me about Beckett but that was it. She wasn't one to pry the answer out of someone.

"Wassup ladies," Callum greeted cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen with Beckett by his side. "My lady," he said, walking over to Blaire and giving her a peck on the cheek causing her to giggle.

Beckett's eyes landed on me and I felt my temperature go up as soon as our eyes locked. Beckett being around me all the time wasn't going to allow me to think clearly. I stood up and went to the sliding door. I pulled it open and stepped out into the back yard. There was a large lemon tree in the corner of the yard.

Well, life gave me lemons. It gave me lemons even when I minded my own business. Just once could it throw me a pineapple.

I sat down under the tree resting my back against it. The tree rustled due to the wind and a few leaves fell. The sun peeked through the branches of the tree as the cold gusts of wind had my hair blowing in every direction.

The sound of the sliding door opening got me to look up and see Beckett. He put his hands in his pocket as he walked over to me and sat in front of me cross-legged. "Hey," he started and I looked up at him. "I didn't mean to put pressure on you or ruin our friendship," he confessed, the usual light that used to light up his eyes were dimmed. His eyes looked tired and I immediately knew that the stress of our situation was weighing down on him too.

I felt horrible that I couldn't come to a conclusion on our relationship. "I'm just confused. My brain keeps going in circles about us," I admitted, bringing my knees closer to my body.

He sighed. "I understand. I want you to know that I thought this through before coming clean Liz. I needed to make sure that I cared about you first and that it wasn't just infatuation, and I want you to do the same," he said, releasing a shaky breath and running a hand through his hair. "That's why I think it would be best if you gave me an answer after your trip to England."

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