Chapter 33

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During the ride home, Luca began sneezing and coughing. Other than the sneezes and coughs, the ride home was filled with sounds of the rain and droning car engine.

He parked the car in the garage, stifling a sneeze as he moved to get out. I followed closely behind him as he walked up to the house without acknowledging if I was behind him or not.

He stormed into the house, muttering profanities as he began sneezing uncontrollably. Guilt gnawed at me. If he didn't search in the rain for me he wouldn't have caught a cold. I should have apologized, but when it came to Luca, I was suddenly a very prideful person that had to prove a point.

He coughed into his elbow and ran up the steps, pulling the wet shirt off his body in a rush to discard it. I couldn't wait to get out of my clothes but I'd wait till I was in the bathroom to begin stripping.

As he walked into his bedroom he began removing his belt and I averted my eyes in case he was about to remove his pants. I went over to my bag to get a set of clean clothes.

I could hear Luca searching in his drawers. "Go shower," his guttural voice got me to look up at him. It was hoarse and he cleared his throat. "I'll use the downstairs bathroom." He left the room leaving me in awe. I didn't think he would have spoken to me so soon.

I took my clothes and went to the shower. The guilt was still eating at me. It's not like I asked the big dummy to come after me. He did it on his own and I didn't understand why he just didn't use his car. He had to chase after me in the rain and make me feel guilty when he caught a cold.

After I was done with the shower. I exited the bathroom to see Luca laying in bed with an arm over his face. I wanted to say something to him anything at all, but my cowardly voice refused to leave my lips.

I left the room. Giving him space. I bit the tip of my thumb as I felt my stomach churn. I walked down the hallway aimlessly. I had to do something. I had to apologize or make things better between us or else I'd go insane.

Since he was inevitably coming down with a cold and his cough was annoying him. I decided that I would make him some tea to soothe his throat. Like a peace offering. I could only hope that he wasn't angry enough to throw the tea at me and tell me to get out of his sight.

As I descended the steps I saw Jameson."James," I called after him and he stopped.

"Liz," he smiled. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yeah. I was wondering if I'd be able to use the kitchen to make tea for Luca."

"Luca doesn't drink tea," James laughed and I gulped. Crap. I'm his fake girlfriend I was supposed to know that."I know," I shamefully lied to James' face. "But this is not normal tea. Its tea for a sore throat."

"What's wrong with Luca, has he gotten sick?" James asked, worry clouding his facial features.

"We got caught in the rain. So he is coming down with a slight cold."

"Okay follow me, Liz. The kitchen is this way." I followed him throughout the house and he led me through a door to a massive kitchen.

The kitchen was painted a pearl white. There was a winding staircase at the end showing that there was another entrance to the kitchen from the upper floors of the house. There were white marble countertops that had bar stools around it and the cupboards were light oakwood. The tiles were black and white and at the far end of the kitchen was the pantry. The kitchen had a clean theme of black, white, and gold.

I immediately began rummaging through the cupboards for a small pot. I wasn't going to waste any time. "So Elizabeth," James started and I looked up at him from finally finding a small yet sufficient pot. "How long are you and Luca going to pretend?" He smiled and I dropped the pot I had in my hands causing it to make a loud chiming sound as it hit the ground, echoing throughout the large kitchen.

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