Chapter 23

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Elizabeth's POV

Luca had parked the car in a deserted parking lot of a beautiful boutique. In the windows of the boutique were wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses. "Mum and Steph are already inside," Luca said, switching off the car's engine and moving to get out of the car.

I got out of the car and looked up at the sky. The sun was out and bearing down hard. There was no evidence of the previous night's storm."Shall we princess," Luca said from beside me. He was now wearing a pair of black silver-rimmed sunglasses.

He put his arm around me and I looked up at him due to the significant height difference between us, his face was in close proximity with mine. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"At least act like you in love with me princess," he said, looking at me from above his sunglasses and I rolled my eyes. "Come on I'm not that bad of a catch am I?"

"Your face is not a problem. The problem starts when you open that smart mouth of yours," I said and he smirked.

"So you find me handsome then," he furthered.

"You can think whatever you'd like Jekyll," I said since his playful side seemed to surface.

"You called me Hyde earlier," he said in thought. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," he smiled. "Are you trying to say that I have split personalities princess?"

"You are smart," I noticed out loud and he narrowed his eyes and scowled. "But I'm not trying to say anything. I'm simply saying it."

"And you say I have a smart mouth," he scoffed. "While you are a rare parrot-teacher," he insulted me back with literature. To prove a point of his cleverness no doubt.

"A bird of my tongue is better than the beasts of yours," I replied sharply and he looked at me in surprise.

"Impressive, Someone paid attention in literature," he commended. "So are you the Beatrice to my Benedick, princess?" I ignored his ridiculous question. As if I could fall in love with someone as irksome as the sound of nails being dragged on a chalkboard.

I bickered along with him as we walked up to the boutique. His arms remained fixed around my shoulders as we had our... well as Shakespeare would put it 'merry war of wits'.

He was trying really hard to make it look like we were in love. Thankfully we could fake smiles and hide our true feelings. Because if thoughts could be worn on our faces, this little facade of ours would have been over as soon as it started.

The shop had a closed sign on the door. I looked at Luca and he shrugged trying the door handle. The door opened and he gestured for me to walk in first. The boutique was empty and the sound of Stephanie's bubbly laughter and Charlotte's voice echoed throughout.

The boutique had a small oak wood counter with the name Mia's design's written on it with a small flower dotting the I. Dresses of all colors and styles hung neatly on long railings. The floor was dark wood almost the color of black but not black.

The boutique was decorated with vintage furniture. You could find turquoise love seats that had golden borders and legs in the corner of the room. Black and white pictures of women wearing old Victorian styled dresses hung on bare walls.

We walked further into the store to find Stephanie standing in front of a large arched mirror wearing a baggy wedding dress while a lady with a pin cushion worked on altering the dress to her body size. Stephanie tried to fiddle with the dress and the lady wacked her hand away.

"Elizabeth, darling so glad you could make it," Charlotte said walking over to me with open arms and embracing me in a hug. She was dressed in white pants and a black off-shoulder top.

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