Mitzu Ver: Bar to House

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Male Tzuyu

Mitzu version of 2yeon's Bar to House


Mina's POV

I told my friends, suggesting them to go to the bar tonight since today marks the start of our break from school. They agreed as they wanted to drink and let go of the studies stress for the night.

We went to the usual bar and i can see that handsome man again. Yes, i suggested to go there because i can see him, not only because of our studies. I'm sure my friends want to see some handsome men again, the ones that caught their eyes to be specific.

I waited for my friends outside the bar, a few distance away. Jihyo came first followed by the oldest then my fellow Japanese friends and we headed inside the bar once we are ready to go.

We sat down at our usual table and a tall man came to our table, asking for our orders. Oh my. It's him. He's serving us. I kept staring at him until i can't hear what's going on around me. He is so handsome and breathtaking. Our eyes met and i became lost in his eyes.

"Mina-ah!" Jihyo shouted my name, shaking my shoulder violently, which made me snapped out of my deep thoughts and looked away from the man, who chuckled softly. Jihyo makes my shoulder hurts due to her aggressive shaking.

"I appreciate you staring at me but i have to do my job." The man said, looking at me with a small smile and winked at me. I became embarrassed and nodded my head slowly, looking down on my lap and playing with my fingers. He just winked at me! At me! Oh my gosh! I can't believe this.

I heard footsteps walking away so i looked up to see my friends staring at me with a smirk and teasing face but soon, we heard footsteps approaching us again so they quickly looked away and turned to the person who is walking towards us. Oh, it's the man that caught Momoring's eyes. I'm pretty sure she will get the man tonight, looking at how they are staring at each other.

"May i have a dance with you, Miss?" He asked, bowing slightly with his hand reaching out for Momo to take. We gave her the eyes and expression that she should accept and she did, holding onto his hand and stood up. She then walked away to the middle of the stage with the pale man and danced with him. They look like they're in love already. They look cute together too.

Soon, Sana and Nayeon-unnie were invited to dance with the guys that caught their eyes. How nice. They can have fun with the boys since they don't work here but the man that caught my eyes does. I hope i could stay until the bar closes so that i can spend time with him.

Jihyo and i are the only ones at the table, drinking while laughing at the girls dancing with the guys.

"Aiyo." The familiar voice sighed as he sat down beside me. Jihyo turned and excused herself, leaving me and the man alone at the table. I'm too shy to look at his eyes and handsome face.

"So, are you enjoying your time here at the bar?" He asked me.

"I-i am enjoying it a lot." I said and he hummed. He then reached his hand out to my glass and bring to his lips, drinking the wine. O-oh, it's an indirect kiss. I stared at him drinking my glass, looking hot and sexy.

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