Mitzu: MV Shooting

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Tzuyu's POV

I am currently shooting my solo scene in the music video. The members left except for Jihyo-unnie and Minari. Both of them will shoot their respective solo scene after me. 

When i'm done, the staff team started setting Jihyo-unnie's stage while i went back to the waiting room. I entered the dressing room and changed to my casual clothes. Minari is in the waiting room too, waiting for her turn. I sat down beside her as she uses her phone. 

"Done for the day already?" She asked and i nodded my head with a hum, taking my phone out.

"Are you going to wait for me?" She asked and i turned my head to see her looking at me, making me feel lost in those breathtaking eyes.

"Do you want me to?" I asked instead of answering. 

"Yes." She simply answered and i smiled.

"Then i will wait for you, my girl." I said and she smiled in happiness. I smiled happily.

And yes, you are thinking correctly if you are thinking that the both of us are a couple. We both are dating secretly because we don't want our fans to hate us for dating the same gender so we decided to keep this a secret. The members, staffs and pdnim knew about us dating and have no objections. Instead, they supported us. I just hope our fans will be supportive but we are too afraid to reveal our relationship. 

"Mina, it's time to shoot!" Manager-unnie shouted from outside.

"Coming!" Minari shouted as she stood up in her white one-piece dress. She looks so beautiful, like damn. How can she be so gorgeous? 

"I will get going. Make sure you wait for me." She said with a cute pout, staring at me with those adorable puppy eyes of hers.

"I will, don't worry. I won't leave without you." I told her with an assuring smile and she gave a cute happy grin at me before exiting the room. 


After minutes, she came back in, looking half tired.

"That's fast." I said as she sat on my lap and placed her head on my shoulder tiredly. I caressed her back, giving pats here and there.

"Good work, Minari." I said and pecked her head with a lovely smile. She didn't respond back and i looked at her face only to see her sleeping. How cute.

Manager-unnie came in and saw the both of us. She just smiled at me, which i returned the smile to her.

"I will carry your stuff while you carry her." She said and i nodded my head, mouthing a 'thank you' to her.

I wrapped her legs around my waist and stood up carefully and quietly, trying not to wake the sleeping beauty up. I walked slowly and silently. Manager-unnie opens the van door for me and i placed Minari onto the seat cautiously. She closed the door and i went to the other side of the van then get in.

I fell asleep on the ride home. 

After some time, i felt someone tapping my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to where the tapping came from. Minari has her palm on my shoulder as she stared at me, giving me a sweet smile once we made eye-contact.

"We reached home already." She told me with her quiet voice as i hummed, rubbing my eyes. We then exited the van from our side and went to the dorm with our managers behind us.

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