Mitzu: Possessive but Soft-Hearted Man(II)

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Mina's POV

I woke up again and sat up from the bed while rubbing my eyes, still feeling sleepy and tired.

"You're finally awake. I made breakfast for the both of us, join me once you're done." He said and i looked at him. He was standing by the door with a small smile and i nodded my head slowly, still trying to get used to living in this house with him.

He exited the room, closing the door behind him, and i went to the bathroom to wash up. I didn't bother to change my pajamas, wanting to live the same way as i used to in my old home. I went to the dining room to join the slim man. He seemed to be waiting for me, seeing that he has not started eating.

"Great, you're here. Let's eat." He said and i sat down across him, where there was already a bowl of rice placed for me. The both of us started eating in silence. I immediately became amazed because the foods were so delicious. It makes me wonder if he really did cook all of these by himself.

"Is it nice? Do you like it?" He asked with a gentle expression and i nodded my head with a satisfied and delighted hum. He smiled, looking relieved and happy to know that. We continued eating and i enjoyed the food to the fullest and to my heart's content. It was such a satisfying breakfast, probably the most delicious and satisfying one i ever had in my life and that's not an exaggeration.

"I'll help you." I said and went to help him out in the kitchen after our breakfast, helping him to wash the plates and bowls while he dried them with a rag. We did our task quietly, none of us saying a single word until a question popped up in my mind and i decided to ask him.

"How do i address you?" I asked him the question that came inside my mind.

"Tzuyu would be fine but..." He said and trailed off which made me turn my head and look at him with a curious but confused face. He turned his head to me and leaned closer to me until his face was right next to my ear. I unknowingly held my breath the moment i felt him breathing onto my ear.

"I prefer being called Master when we are in bed." He whispered into my ear and backed away from me, giving me an innocent smile and got back to drying the plates and bowls. I was still processing his words as i froze on my spot.

Master when we are in bed? Does that mean...Oh god, he can't be referring to that, right? I hope it's not what i'm thinking of.

I thought he would be going out for his job but he has been staying at home for the entire day. He kept going back and forth in the house. One moment, he was in the living room and the next second, i found him lying down on his bed in the bedroom. One thing i have noticed about him is that he has been on his phone as if he was making sure of something, probably making sure that his workers doesn't screw up anything at work.

I didn't know what to do for him since i was basically sold to him. He noticed that and simply told me to do whatever i want to do in the house and to make myself comfortable as i'm going to live here forever.

Do whatever i want, huh. I got my laptop out of my luggage and exited the bedroom, heading to the living room. I sat down on the floor mat and placed the laptop on the table. I started playing games on my laptop afterwards.


A few hours have passed ever since i started playing games on my laptop. I kept noticing him coming out of the room and to the kitchen to drink some plain water then go back inside the bedroom. What is he trying to do now? Spying on me? Or just looking out for me to know what i'm doing? He's such a confusing man but at the same time, he makes me curious about him.

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