Mina x Fem Reader: No Longer Friends(II)

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I stepped into my house, closing the door behind me, and leaned my back onto the door before sliding down onto the floor, hugging my knees to my chest as i let out my emotions and tears.

Minutes passed and i heard footsteps near the door and it stopped right in front of the door. There were soft and weak knocks right after and i could hear the sniffling from outside.

"Y/N..." Mina called out, her voice cracking in between her sniffles. I remained on the floor, not moving at all. I couldn't stand up and open the door. I couldn't bare to see her tearful eyes and the sad look on her face.

"Please..." She begged in between her sobs.

"Go away." I softly said, crying too.

"Please don't leave me. You can hate me but don't leave my side, please..." She said from outside the house and i finally found the courage to stand up and open the door only to feel guilty and hurt when i saw how sad Mina looked.

"I won't leave you, never." She immediately hugged me once i opened the door and i whispered those words as i hugged her back. We cried that night while hugging one another. When we calmed down, i let her into my house and take a shower.

"It's good to work hard but don't be so hard on yourself until you end up working overtime almost every day." She said as she stepped out of my bedroom and walked into the living room, where i was lying comfortably on the couch.

"You're one to say that when you also do that." I told her and we shared a light laugh. I sat up from the couch to let her sit down beside me and i immediately lied down, placing my head on her lap.

"You're stinky. Go shower." She immediately said and moved her knees upward, trying to make me lift my head off her lap and it succeeded as i clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes jokingly. I stood up from the couch and she chuckled softly.

"Let me sit on you." Mina walked into my bedroom after having our dinner together in the dining room. Without letting me say anything, she climbed onto my bed and sat on my lap with her back resting on my front. She let out a sigh of contentment as she lied down on my front, feeling comfortable. I simply chuckled and shook my head before going back to my phone, using one hand to use the device, while she turned her head towards my phone, looking at the screen.

We stayed like that in silence, none of us saying a single word, until an explicit post came up on my screen and i quickly scrolled up to get the post out of the screen.

"I didn't know you are into that sort of thing, Y/N." Mina said in a teasing tone.

"I didn't know you saw that post." I tried to get away but failed to do so badly.

"Of course i saw it." She said with a soft chuckle and i cleared my throat.

"I want to adjust my position." She suddenly said after a while and pushed herself off my front. She then repositioned herself on my lap, wrapping her arms around my nape and resting her chin on my shoulder.

"If you're sleepy, you should lie down on the bed." I told her and she slightly shook her head against my cheek with a soft hum.

"I miss this. I miss us." She softly said and i wrapped an arm around her waist with a slight smile, feeling happy that she do miss our time together. I placed my phone on the bedside table and wrapped my other arm around her waist.

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