2yeon: A Date On Our Day

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Nayeon's POV

I was sleeping peacefully on my bed until Jeongyeon and Momo barged into our room, shouting at us to wake up by singing loudly like how choir does.

I groaned and turned to the wall, pulling my blanket over my whole face.

"Nayeon-ah, wake up!" Jeongyeon shouted right beside my bed and i whined, sitting up tiredly.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. Instead of an answer, i got pulled out from my bed, making me stumbled and i was being dragged to somewhere.

"Get ready! Jeongyeon-unnie and you will be going out soon!" Momo spoke enthusiastically and pushed me into the bathroom. Huh? I don't remember planning a hangout with Jeongyeon today. Or did i forget?

"Why am i going out with her? I don't even remember her asking me or me asking her to go out today. How did i even end up going outside with her? Did i forget about our plan? Or did we not make one in the first place? Could be a hangout out of a sudden? But why?" I kept on mumbling to myself as i got ready. Jihyo, Mina and Sana were looking at me as if i'm a weird person since i was talking to myself.

"Unnie, you look creepy talking to yourself." Our leader spoke, still having the weird expression on her face while the 2 Japanese girls nodded their head in agreement.

"What? I mean, don't you think the same way as me? If you are in my shoes, you probably would be like me right now. I don't even know how i ended up hanging out with her today. Don't you think it's --"

"Unnie, stop talking. You just look like an idiot, mumbling this and that to yourself when none of us want to listen to you and are not even listening to your murmuring." Mina said and she's really savage like our tall maknae, Tzuyu.

The quietest members are always the savage ones to their loud and chaotic members. Sigh. Who raised them to be savage until to this extent?

"Nabongs! Are you ready?" Jeongyeon's voice echoed until it reached our room. I quickly took my small sling bag and rushed outside.

"What took you so long?" The taller girl asked, chuckling at my hurried state.

"Come on! It's unexpected!" I shouted at her, slapping her arm.

"Okay, okay. Stop hitting me. It hurts." She whined, rubbing her arm, while i just glared at her and wore my shoes.

"Enjoy!" Momo shouted as we exited our dorm.

"What's with the sudden hangout? How come i don't know? Did we plan for it beforehand? What's the occasion for us to go out? You don't usually ask me out on a date like this. Tell me, is it a --"

"Chill there, Nabongs! You are talking way too fast until i can't catch what you are saying." The younger girl said, putting her palms out. I then calmed myself down.

"I know it's sudden and i'm the one who planned it without letting you know. It's a special day for us." Jeongyeon said which made me blushed at her last sentence.

"Now, you know how fast you can talk. You should join a tongue twisters competition or anything related to saying things fast. I'm sure you can win." Jeongyeon joked, laughing as i glared at her and hit her arm again.

"Ouch! It hurts! Why do you keep on hitting people? Even when you laugh, you also slap people." The taller girl said, rubbing her arm that got hit by me.

"No! I never slap!" I shouted, hitting her again.

"There! You just did!" She raised her voice, pointing at my hand that just hit her.

We continued fighting until we reached a cafe. Jeongyeon ordered for the both of us and she paid for it. She did said that today is a special day but i'm not sure what is it. I don't remember having any events today.

She ordered 2 iced Americano, 4 doughnuts, 2 hot dog breads and 2 croissant bread.

"What's the special day today?" I asked curiously as i grabbed the doughnut and started biting on it.

"It's our day. ONCE has been posting online to celebrate our day." Jeongyeon answered nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders as she ate the hot dog bread.

I was still puzzled by her answer so i went online to find out more.

"Ah..." I said in realization.

"I didn't know. How about we take a selfie to show ONCE that we celebrated our day?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Fine. Just because today is special." Jeongyeon said as we took a selfie together, using my phone.


"Unnie! Did you know today is 2yeon's day?" Chaeng asked since the members knew that i was not aware of it at first.

"Yeah, i just knew it when Jeongyeon told me." I answered her.

"How can she remember 2yeon's day? I don't even know when is Satzu's day." Sana said in amusement.

"It's the 25th day of each month." Tzuyu told Sana. I smirked and nudged the youngest girl while wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"What?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You know when is Satzu day, huh. Is it because it's your special day with your girlfriend? Hmm~?" I asked, teasing her.

"Eh? Is that true, Chewy-ah?" Sana asked, looking at the tall girl with hopeful eyes.

"I have no comments. Goodnight." Tzuyu said as she quickly ran to the maknae room.

"Hey! Come back!" Sana shouted as she chased our tall maknae while i giggled.

"Where's Jeongyeon?" I asked Momo since i can't find her.

"She's cleaning up our room and i got kicked out." Momo answered, eating snacks on the couch.

I mumbled her a thanks before going to her room. Jeongyeon was cleaning up the mess in the room that probably Momo made.

"Oh, unnie! Is there something you need?" Jeongyeon asked, startled by my sudden presence in the room.

"Nothing. Which one is your bed?" I asked and she pointed at the bed by the wall.

I lied down on her bed, feeling the soft texture of it with my arms and legs.

I don't know what happened since i blacked out on her bed.

Well, today was fun! I get to go on a date with Jeongyeon! Yay! Hehe~!

~~~~THE END~~~~

I know it's short but i hope you guys like this 2yeon chap!

Anyway, happy 2yeon day!!

Thanks for reading!!

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