JeongMi: I Love You

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No One's POV

Jeongyeon and Mina feel nervous because it's their important day today. They are actually getting married so that's why both of them are nervous. They went through a lot to get their parents' approval of their relationship. Mina's parents take a few days to convince while it took weeks to persuade Jeongyeon's parents. They are happy that their families are now supportive of them and their relationship. 

Jeongyeon is wearing a suit outfit since she prefers wearing boyish outfit instead of girlish one while on the other side, we have Mina wearing femininely. She is wearing a one-piece white dress with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, getting ready to go out and meet her beautiful bride. Both of them are the bride in this wedding though Jeongyeon is dressed handsomely but beautiful at the same time.

Jeongyeon is seen standing at the altar, waiting for her gorgeous girl to come. After awhile, a peaceful and calming instrument started playing. Jeongyeon looked towards the entrance and see the door opening, revealing her father standing beside the woman she can call hers soon.

They walked down, going towards where the blonde-haired girl is standing at. Jeongyeon's father let go of Mina's hand when they are reaching the altar soon and went to sit down beside his wife on the first row on the left side. Mina stood on the altar, smiling at Jeongyeon widely. The taller girl did the same back, smiling in happiness.

They exchanged vows and placed the rings on their respective ring fingers. They then shared a sweet and lovely kiss on the lips while everyone in the hall cheered loudly, some applauding. 

They stayed for awhile longer, chatting with their family members together, before deciding to leave the event. They can't wait to get to their new apartment. Jeongyeon drove with Mina sitting beside her, hands intertwined on the younger girl's lap. They only exchanged smiles and no words. Their smiles could already tell one another the emotions they can't express in words.

"Where do you want to go first?" Jeongyeon asked, taking her laptop out and started typing away. Her laptop placed on her lap as she cross-legged sat on the couch in the living room with her wife beside her, thinking seriously. They are currently planning for their honeymoon trip.

"I want to go to my birth country, where i am born at." Mina answered, looking at the older girl with a lovely stare.

"Okay, how long do you want to stay?" Jeongyeon asked, typing on her laptop while she waits for her woman to answer.

"How long do you think we should stay?" Mina asked instead of answering and places her head on the blonde-haired girl's shoulder.

"Hmm...1 week? Is that good?" Jeongyeon said with uncertainty and Mina lifted her head up from her shoulder, looking at her. Both of them are making eye-contact with each other.

"Yup, it's good." Mina said with a sweet smile. The taller girl's heart melted at her smile and smiled lovingly at her.

"Then we go London!" Jeongyeon exclaimed in excitement, typing with a childlike smile, while Mina chuckled, finding her wife adorable.

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