Mina x Tzuyu x Male Reader: A Pleasuring Night

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Might be long for some

Read at your own risk!

Do not read once you feel uncomfortable!

You have been warned!



I sighed in exhaustion as i leaned back onto my office chair, looking at the ceiling. The workload has been piling up recently as this month is always the busiest month for the company. The founder of the company has went for a vacation, leaving the higher-ups to deal with the clients and letting them manage the company staffs. I am part of the higher-up and things have been going tough because not everyone is cooperating, even the clients are giving us a hard time.

"How wish i can go home now and sleep." I mumbled to myself and immediately shook my head to get myself together. I continued working and only stopped for a few seconds when my fellow higher-up colleague came back from his short break and sat back down next to me.

"Want to drink after work?" He asked and i turned my head to look at him, keeping my hands on the keyboard but not typing anything.

"Nah, i just want to sleep." I told him and he chuckled, nodding his head, then patted my shoulder, telling me to get some good night rest after work. I told him the same thing and we got back to working.

"Oh my god! The both of you are still here?! You two should go home now!" Our female colleague, also the higher-up of this company, shouted at us when she walked into the office. The both of us simply glanced at each other then went back to working, completely ignoring her.

"YAH!" She shouted at us while stomping her foot loudly on the floor.

"Shall we go home then? But that would mean we are doomed." He said while looking at me with raised eyebrows as if wanting me to decide and he will follow along with my decision. I glanced at our female colleague and looked back at him.

"I guess we should go home. We will be doomed either way." I said and he nodded his head then we started to pack up.

"Good. You two better not be acting like you are going but in the end, stay for the entire night." She told us with a stern voice and walked to her desk, which is just right in front of my desk. She has already packed up and carried her small black bag over one shoulder. She said goodbye to us then walked out of the office.

"She sure can be scary." My colleague said with a sigh and i laughed lightly at his comment. We both talked about our work, how we are unable to finish it when the deadline is today and what will happen to us.

"Imagine we get fired just because we didn't finish it today." I said and he looked at me with big eyes and a look of disbelief.

"No way! There's no way we will get fired!" He raised his voice while shaking his head and palms, making me laugh. My bus soon came and we said goodbye to each other as i boarded the bus. We waved at each other then i stopped waving once the bus started moving.

I looked at my phone to see many messages and missed calls from my housemates. They must be super worried about me because it's already so late and i'm still not home yet. I texted them, letting them know that i'm on the way home. I just hope they are asleep and not waiting for me to come home. I feel bad and guilty if they wait for me when they should be getting enough sleep.

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