Mitzu: "Unwell" Tzuyu Ver 2

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Male Tzuyu


Short Smut(really short)


No One's POV

The bell rang, indicating the end of the school day for students. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu are dismissed at the same time despite being in different class. The two males are heading to the meeting spot, where they always meet up with their group of friends. However, Jeongyeon spotted Tzuyu heading in his house direction, looking unwell.

Mina's POV

My phone started vibrating inside my pocket so i took it out and checked my phone, seeing it's a phone call from Jeongyeon-oppa. I accepted the call and placed my phone on my ear.

"Hey, Mina. Your boyfriend looks unwell." Jeongyeon-oppa said over the line and i became worried.

"Eh? Did you see where he's heading?" I asked with a tone of concern.

"He's heading back to his house." He told me and i quickly said my goodbye on the phone and hang up the call. I took my wallet and rushed out of my house, biding goodbye to my parents while at it. I then ran towards Tzuyu's house as the both of us live near to one another.

I knocked on the door once i've arrived at the doorstep but there isn't any responds nor sounds coming from the house. Tzuyu...Did he overwork himself and stay up all night? What happened to him? I became more and more worried. I called Tzuyu's phone number but he didn't pick up. He's alone, no one should be at home. His parents are often out for work and seldom comes back home.

I turned the doorknob and realized it's unlocked. I went inside without further ado. His shoes are here, he's definitely at home then. I went to his bedroom and knocked on the door as loudly as i can. I heard some soft noises from the inside. It sounds like he's not doing good. He must be stuck in bed, was what i thought so i slammed open the door with worry.

I instantly feel my face heating up once i noticed what i'm seeing and soon realized what i have barged in on. Tzuyu's face mirrors my expression, surprised and face flushed red too.

Tzuyu is there, on his bed, with his pants and undergarments down. His palm around his thingy. I was frozen on my spot, not knowing what to do. My body moved on its own and before i knew it, i'm on my knees on his bed. Tzuyu looks like he wasn't expecting me coming near to him, even i was surprised by my own movement.

"Mi-mina?" Tzuyu called out with a shaky voice as i sat down on his legs and looked at him.

"I want to help you, Tzu. Can i?" I asked in a pleading tone.

No One's POV

Tzuyu was definitely taken aback by his girlfriend's sudden bold actions. Mina was in a trance and only realized what she's doing when the room has been silent and Tzuyu didn't respond to her.

"Ar-are you sure? I can handle this on my own. You don't need to force yourself, Mina-ah." Tzuyu finally said, breaking the silence in the room. Even though Mina knew what she's doing, she still decided to go with the flow, wanting to help her boyfriend in any way she can.

"I'm not forcing myself, Tzu. I really want to help." Mina shakes her head and said. Tzuyu gulped, not knowing what to do and his mind becoming blank. He tries to think of what to do in a panic state but soon gasped when he felt Mina touch his awakened friend.

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