Mitzu: 'Resting' with Him(I)

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Male Tzuyu


Mina's POV

"Ms Myoui, Mr Kim would like to stop the partnership with us." My secretary came in and informed me, bowing her head slightly. I looked up, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why?" I asked and she looked hesitant to tell me but i stared at her, waiting for her to answer my question.

"Mr Chou and him will be forming a partnership." She told me and i became furious. That son of a brat! How could he steal my partnership with Dahyun away from me!

He knows very well that Dahyun is my friend and yet, he does this to me! He must have forced Dahyun to do this.

"Call Mr Kim right away. I want to have a meeting with him." I told my secretary and she nodded her head then left my office. Chou Tzuyu, my enemy and rival when it comes to business. This kid, i will make sure our original business plan with each other work.

"Yes, Ms Myoui? You needed to see me?" Dahyun walked in to the meeting room, bowing slightly, and took a seat across me while my secretary closed the door.

"Mr Kim Dahyun. You do know that you will earn more than you can once you form a partnership with me. Why do you change your mind and go for Mr Chou's company?" I said sternly with a serious face.

"Mr Chou gave me a deal that i would be able to earn more than our partnership plan." He said and i slammed my palm on the table as he flinched, looking at me with fear.

"Kim Dahyun! This is our original plan! You can't just change your mind and go for it without telling me!" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry." He simply said and bowed his head down while i sighed in frustration.

"I will call Tzuyu to cancel your deal if you want to have this partnership with me. Think wisely before coming to a decision. Text me when you change your mind. If i don't receive any text from you tomorrow, then i will just form a partnership with Ms Hirai." I told him and left the meeting room without waiting for his response. Momoring is Dahyun's wife.


I woke up alone without anyone on the bed. I groaned and got up from bed, getting ready for work. I checked my phone while grabbing my breakfast. There was a message from Dahyun and i opened it.

'Partnership with you, deal.' Was his message. I smiled and jumped in victory.

Tzuyu came storming into my office, looking furious. I looked up at him as he had a furious expression on his face.

"Dahyun is my partner for business!" He shouted at me and i just shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Dahyun and i have plans to be partnered with each other in the first place." I told him calmly as he sighed, sitting across my office desk and in front of me.

"How could you do this to me?" He asked me and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"I should be asking the same to you. I wanted to form a partnership with Dahyun and you made him changed his mind!" I said, raising my voice at him.

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