Mitzu: Nonstop Office Activity(III)

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Male Tzuyu


Angst(Hell yeah, lets go! Maybe not)

Long one-shot


Tzuyu's POV

A few days later, i managed to get majority of my work done and decided to get off work early, wanting to see my wife as soon as possible. I called my secretary to my office to let him get off work early too, thinking that he might want to spend more time with his wife too. At first, he was hesitant and insisted that he doesn't mind working until late but i managed to persuade him in the end, somehow.

I went to the basement parking lot and to my car, hopping onto the driver seat and switching the engine on. Once my car was ready to go, i started driving out of the basement parking lot. I started driving towards my wife's workplace.

I drove to the entry to the basement parking lot and the security guard recognized me and let me enter the parking lot. I managed to find a vacant spot near the elevator and parked my car right there then headed to the elevator after locking my car. I went to the ground floor and walked to the receptionist desk.

The staffs immediately stood up after noticing me approaching them and they recognized me too, bowing their heads while greeting me.

"I'm here to see Mrs Chou." I told them and they looked at the computer screen to check if my wife was available.

"Sorry, Mr Chou. She is currently having a meeting with Mr Choi." That surname, i instantly remembered who he was to Mina and felt my anger rushing inside me as i clenched my fists.

"Please let me see her. It's urgent." I said, trying not to sound angry, as one staff dialed Mina's office number and it seemed like she picked up.

"Mr Chou would like to see you and it's urgent." The staff said on the phone and listened to whatever my wife was saying on the line.

"Yes, i understand." She then hung up and looked back at me.

"You may go to her office and wait for her." She said and i furrowed my eyebrows. Wait?

"I would like to go to the room she's in right now." I told the two staffs and they looked hesitant.

"But the meeting is still ongoing. I'm afraid Mrs Chou won't like it if we let you meet her directly in the meeting room." The other staff spoke.

"Why won't she like it? Plus, i'm just going to see her. I won't disturb her meeting." I told them and they seemed to be thinking as they glanced at each other. The same staff called Mina's office number again.

"Mr Chou would like to go to the meeting room." She told Mina after she picked up the phone.

"Yes, understood." She then placed the phone back down on the desk and looked back at me.

"She is currently in the room next to her office, near to the elevator. You may go see her now." She spoke politely and i thanked them, as they bowed their heads at me, and walked towards the elevator.

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