Satzu: Two Hearts Broken

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Happy birthday to ChouZaki_1020_0808 !

And this one-shot is requested by them!






No One's POV

Sana and Tzuyu has been dating for 5 years, the current year marks their 6th year as a couple. Both of them have been pursuing their dream and even though they don't share the same dream, they support and encourage each other to chase after their own dream.

When Sana has finally achieved her dream of becoming a celebrity at JYP Entertainment, Tzuyu felt really happy for her girlfriend and eventually, Sana became famous. The both of them continued to be together even though it's hard for them to meet up with one another and Tzuyu showed her support by attending Sana's concerts and buying her albums.

One day, Sana was ecstatic when her boss told her that she would be starring in a drama and that she's going to be the lead in the drama. The drama is about love between two females and Sana didn't think much of it at first as she was too happy to be acting as a lead in a drama. Of course, Tzuyu was happy for Sana and didn't think much of it.

However, when the drama came out, the ratings were too low and because of that, the drama agency requested Sana and Dahyun, who is acting as the lead role along with Sana, to fake their relationship in order to increase the ratings of the drama. In the end, the ratings of the drama increased and a lot of people love it. Moreover, the drama has became the best drama of the year.

Throughout the year, while the drama was airing, Tzuyu felt worried and sad and she talked it out with Sana about her worries. Sana assured Tzuyu that her relationship with Dahyun was fake and that it was to make the public believe that she's really dating her fellow lead actress. Eventually, Sana stopped replying to Tzuyu's texts nor picking up her calls. Tzuyu assumed that Sana is busy with her schedules and tried to be as understanding as she could be but deep down, she kept feeling uneasy and anxious of her relationship with Sana.

And just like that, their 6th year anniversary came. Even though Sana is busy with her schedules, Tzuyu knew that and decided to keep their special day simple and short, not wanting to make her girlfriend more tired and etc. Tzuyu sent Sana the address, wanting to celebrate the special day with her.

It was nighttime and Tzuyu was waiting for Sana to arrive. She has a candlelit dinner ready for Sana and what's more, she wanted to enjoy the view of the night sky on the rooftop with her girlfriend. She kept waiting and waiting, still anticipating for her girlfriend's arrival and trying not to lose hope.

She waited until she received a message from Sana and she cried the moment she opened the message. Sana said that their relationship is over and it broke Tzuyu's heart even though deep down, she knew and expected this coming. On that very day, she ate the food alone on the rooftop and stared at the night sky with a heart that has been shattered into pieces and her world losing its color.

That heartbreaking night, she went home with an empty feeling in her chest. After that special day, she changed into a different person, staying at home and her boss, being the understanding person, didn't fire her and let her take her own time to get herself together.

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