Mitzu: Nonstop Office Activity(II)

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Male Tzuyu




Mina's POV

"Hello, this is Mr Chou speaking.

Yes, i would be honored to work with you.

Thank you for choosing to work with me, i will not disappoint you." I heard Tzu spoke to someone, probably on the phone since i didn't hear any voice other than his voice. I continued to rest my head on his chest and simply just stayed like that.

"Mr Kim., gather the documents for the collaboration project. Thank you." I heard him spoke to his secretary on the phone and hung up afterwards. I felt him wrap his arm around me and his chin was on top of my head.

"Wake up. We need to eat breakfast." I heard him said and opened my eyes slowly, rubbing my eyes while at it. I hummed sleepily and lifted myself off his body to look at him only to see him smiling widely at me.

"Good morning." He said happily with a wide grin on his face.

"Good morning." I greeted back, a huge smile appearing on my face. He gave a peck on my cheek and i giggled at his sweet gesture.

"What are we having for breakfast?" I asked after pecking his lips.

"Hmm...What do you want to have for breakfast?" He thought for a while but soon asked me back the same question and i shrugged my shoulders with my lips pouting.

"Let's go to the cafeteria." He suggested and i nodded my head. I stood up from his lap and wore back my clothes while he did the same. When i was done, i turned around to look at him struggling with his necktie. I chuckled and went to help him with his necktie. He stood still and didn't move so i won't mess up his necktie.

He thanked me with a wide smile and the both of us walked out of his office. His secretary came out of his own office the moment Tzu closed the door of his office and greeted the both of us politely, bowing his head. The both of us greeted him back with a cheerful smile.

"Have you finished gathering the documents for the collaboration project?" Tzu asked and he shook his head with a sad smile.

"I'm still in the midst of gathering the documents." He answered and my husband nodded his head with a short hum.

"Put it on my desk once you have gathered all of them." Tzu told him and he nodded his head with understanding. We then headed to the elevator and went to the ground floor of the building.

We held hands the entire time we walked to the cafeteria, not showing any intention of letting go of the other's hand. We found an empty seat and he pushed the chair out for me, which i thanked him for with a sweet smile. He sat down next to me and handed the menu to me and we looked at the menu together.

"Do you feel hungry?" He asked as we kept our eyes on the menu.

"Nope, not that hungry." I told him and he hummed.

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