Mitzu: Nonstop Office Activity(IV)

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Male Tzuyu



Angst(its the ending)

Long one-shot


Tzuyu's POV

Throughout the entire week, we ignored each other, didn't go to one another's workplace and didn't even cuddle whenever we went to sleep on the same bed. It went on and on for the week until the following week, i finally got tired, not wanting this to go on with none of us talking things out. At this rate, we are going to fall apart and i didn't want that to happen.

The first day of a new week came and i woke up earlier than Mina. She usually wakes up earlier than me and by the time i woke up, she has already went out for work. I quickly washed up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of us.

After a few minutes, i heard the bedroom door open and footsteps could be heard. She walked into the hallway and turned her head to me. It's been a while since we made eye-contact with one another.

"Breakfast." I said simply, feeling unsure of what to say to her and at the same time, it felt awkward.

"Okay." She simply responded with no emotions and sat down by the dining table. I immediately turned back to the kitchen, to the two pieces of bacon frying. I gently placed each bacon on a plate and a fried egg on each plate. I carefully placed the plate down in front of Mina and placed mine across hers then sat down on the chair, sitting across her.

She has already started eating in silence and didn't say anything about the taste and whether she likes the meal that i have prepared for her. After knowing that she won't say anything, i ate my food silently too.

"Thanks for the food." She said emotionlessly and went to wash the plate then walked to the entrance and before i could say anything to her, she has already stepped out of the house. I couldn't even say a 'goodbye' or a 'good luck for work' to her.

I then got ready for work and stepped out of the house. I went to work, feeling sulky and upset that i didn't say anything to her when she left for work.

"Mr Chou, i have sent the documents for the collaboration project with Miss Minatozaki to you through email." Mr Kim, my secretary, said and i simply nodded my head at him and entered my office after thanking him softly.

I let out a tired groan as i sat down on my swivel chair, already feeling tired at the start when i have not started doing anything yet. I eventually got to work and Mina stayed in my mind as i was unable to get her out of my mind. Luckily, there was no meeting with Miss Minatozaki as i didn't want to remember the argument i had with my wife last week. I would definitely remember it when i see her.

I decided to get off work early after managing to get many things done despite my wife being on my mind the entire time i was working. I thought to visit her workplace since it's been a while i visited her workplace and office.

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