JeongSa: My Sugar Baby

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Male Jeongyeon

Smut(Full on smut)


Sana's POV

I contacted Jeongyeon to have a date with me today, giving him the meetup details once he told me that he wasn't busy with anything for today. I then went to get ready for the date, putting on my makeup and favorite perfume.

I stepped out of the house afterwards and made sure that the door was locked then went to my car, which was parked right outside my house.  I got into my driver seat and started driving towards the meeting venue. We are meeting at the shopping mall, the entrance of it. I parked my car in the parking lot of the shopping mall, which was beside the building, and walked towards Jeongyeon, who was waiting for me at the entrance.

"Hey." He greeted with a wide smile, looking happy to see me.

"Hey~" I greeted back with a sweet smile and linked my arm with him.

"Let's eat first." I said softly and he nodded his head and we started walking to the restaurant that he wants to eat in. Even knowing how rich i am, he still chose a restaurant that isn't a high-class. He probably doesn't want me to spend a lot of money for him even though i don't mind spending money just for him. I didn't object his decision to eat in a normal restaurant and we ate our lunch in the restaurant.

After our satisfying lunch, we went to the cashier and i paid for our bill. The lady at the cashier kept looking at Jeongyeon as if she was expecting to see him pay for the bill and even narrowed her eyes at him but in the end, she didn't say anything and proceeded with the payment.

We spent the entire afternoon in the shopping mall. We walked around and i bought the things he wanted but couldn't afford. In the midst of shopping together, i couldn't take it anymore, wanting to go home as soon as possible, so we exited the shopping mall and went to my car. He got into the front passenger seat while i got into the driver seat and started driving towards my house with a fast speed but not that fast to go over the speed limit.

Once i entered my property, the metal gate closed on its own and i parked my car right outside my house. Feeling impatient and not being able to hold back anymore, i got onto Jeongyeon's lap and kissed him hungrily on the lips and he immediately responded back to the kiss in the same way. His hands wandering around my body but i didn't let him do that for long as i placed his palms on my butt-cheeks and he squeezed them, making me let out a moan in between the kiss. He took the chance to put his tongue inside my mouth and we fought for dominance. In the end, i won.

I pulled away from his lips and started taking off his clothes while he did the same to me. We threw the clothes onto the driver seat and were naked within seconds. I rested my palms on his shoulders while positioning myself on the tip of his erecting member while his palms were groping my butt-cheeks. I slowly moved down as his member started to enter me, making the both of us let out sounds from how intimate we were becoming. I ended up digging my nails into his shoulders as i pushed myself down and he shifted his palms to each side of my waist. We were catching our breath the moment his member was fully inside me. It's been a while since i have done it with him. It took us a few minutes for our breathing to be stabilized and i started moving my body up and down while he held me, his palms still on my waist.

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