2na: A Wonderful Night(II)

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Feat. 2yeon, Sahyo, Mitzu


Sana's POV

I woke up to see an unfamiliar ceiling and i stared at the ceiling in a daze, wondering how i ended up here. A few seconds later, all of the memories from last night came rushing into my mind and i could feel my cheeks heating up in an instant.

I turned my head to the side after feeling an arm on my stomach and there my girlfriend is, sleeping peacefully and comfortably. I turned onto my side and wrapped my arms around her bare back, loving how cute my girlfriend looks like whenever she's sleeping.

She hummed sleepily, indicating that she's slowing waking up. I tilted my head downwards to look at her while she slowly opened her eyes. She then turned onto her back and i continued hugging her from the side.

"What time is it now?" She asked and i took her phone from the bedside table on her side of the bed and looked at the time.

"It's 11.37am." I read out the time and placed her phone back on the bedside table while she hummed softly as a response.

"Should we have an early lunch?" She asked and turned her head towards me, looking more awake.

"Yeah, we should. We have a show recording at 12.30pm." I told her, reminding her of our schedule, and she slightly nodded her head with a small smile. We then got up from the bed and washed up together though we ended up doing the deed again while taking a morning shower. After minutes, we got dressed and left the hotel room, making sure to lock the door with the room key, then headed to the ground floor with the elevator.

We walked to the receptionist desk to check out and were about to head to the entrance when we heard familiar voices. Mina and i turned towards where the familiar voices came from at the same time only to see Nayeon-unnie and Jeongyeon-unnie walking out of the elevator while holding hands and smiling at each other with a loving expression on their faces.

Jeongyeon-unnie was the first one to notice us and Nayeon-unnie followed her gaze and spotted us. The four of us stared at each other before i burst out into an awkward giggle and rubbed my nose for a few seconds.

"I didn't expect to see you two here." I said, starting the conversation. They walked towards us and stood next to us, their hands still intertwined.

"Yeah, i also wasn't expecting to see you two here. Did you two stay for the night here?" The oldest member asked with a raised eyebrow and i slowly nodded my head.

The four of us chatted with one another as we headed back to our dormitory. It seemed like the both of them went to the hotel for the same reason as me and Mina but they just didn't tell us. They simply said that they wanted to have some fun by themselves last night so they decided to stay at the hotel for the night. It said pretty much about what they did last night, seeing how they look happy and being sweet with one another.

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