Satzu: Our Family Life

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Tzuyu's POV

"I'm home!" I shouted as i entered the house and closed and locked the door. Sapphire, our daughter, came running and hugging me tightly.

"Aigoo~ Do you miss me so much?" I asked as i carried my baby off the ground and into my arms.

"Darling! I'm home! Where are you?" I said loudly as i walked through the living room to my bedroom after seeing that she's not in the living room.

I opened the door to see my wife sleeping on the bed already. Sapphire woke up but she didn't. How cute. 

I guess it's understandable since i came home at night but Sapphire is always awake and would come running to me for a hug while my wife would be sleeping or waiting for me at the couch, in the living room, sometimes.

"Looks like your mummy is sleeping." I told my little daughter who smiled widely with a nod.

"Mummy miss you!" She said in her adorable voice.

"Hmm. Daddy know that." I told her and pecked her cheek before putting her onto her bed, which is beside ours.

I pecked her forehead before doing my things. After that, i quietly lied down next to my beautiful wife and wrapped my arms around her from behind since her back was facing me. I moved close to her until there's no more space in between her back and my front.

"I miss and love you so much~" I whispered before falling asleep.

The next day came and i woke up early. I cooked breakfast. My daughter walked out of the room while rubbing her eyes.

"Daddy...What are you cooking today?" She asked as she climbed onto the chair and waited patiently for the food to be in front of her.

"You will see." I answered with a smile.

"Mummy have not woke up yet?" I asked.

"No, she's still sleeping." Sapphire told me and i hummed.

"Enjoy your food while i go wake your mummy up. Okay?" I said and pecked her cheek as she hummed with a nod.

I went to our bedroom and closed the door quietly then stood next to the bed, on the side where my wife is lying on.

"Sana-yah, wake up~" I said and tapped her cheek lightly. 

"Hmm..." She turned her body so that her back is facing me.

"Should i kick you out of our house?" I asked as if i'm wondering to myself. Sana immediately sat up from bed with her eyes wide open and awake.

"No!" She shouted at me and i smiled before pecking her forehead.

"Good morning. I did that to wake you up. You know that will never happen because i love you so much." I told her and she smiled while wrapping her arms around my nape, making me bent down a lot. My back is going to hurt.

"Aigoo~ My darling is being a baby~ Daddy will take care of you~" I said and she blushed, burying her face onto the crook of my neck and i giggled at how cute she is.

"Look at this, Sapphire! Your mummy is going to be a baby just like you!" I told my baby daughter, who looked up and stared at us, eyeing our movement to the dining room. 

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