Satzu: Strong Love

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No One's POV

'Wah...She's really pretty...' A certain Japanese girl thought to herself as she watched the show on the screen in her group's waiting room. Her members were getting ready while watching the show now. They will be performing on the show soon.

"TWICE, please be on standby!" The staff shouted, opening the door after knocking. 

"YES!" The members shouted in unison and made their way to the backstage.

Just nice, the trio group has finished their performance and bowed to the 6 girls, who bowed back too.

"Woah...They are so pretty and cute!" The oldest girl complimented once the trio has exited the backstage. The members agreed with her since they also thought the same way too.

"I want to be friends with the tall girl! What's her name?" The Japanese girl asked her members with sparkling eyes.

"Sana, we need to focus on our performance. You can find her after we performed." The youngest said and the older girl pouted.

"Let's invite TWICE to the stage!" The host said and the girls immediately did their group cheer before making their way to the stage.

On the other hand, in a room where the trio group was, the 3 members thought that the group, that was performing, was very beautiful and awesome.

"I love their stage! How about we become friends with them?" The oldest said in excitement once the group has performed finished and exited the stage.

"Yeah, i totally would love to!" The shortest girl said while their youngest member remained quiet, thinking deeply and the members noticed it.

"Tzuyu, what's wrong? You have been spacing out after TWICE have performed their song." The leader asked while the both of them stared at their youngest, Tzuyu, intently.

"Huh? Uh, it's nothing. Their stage was so breathtaking and wonderful." Tzuyu told them with a smile, scratching her nape with an awkward smile.

"Then, let's go meet them! I'm sure they are in their own waiting room now!" The pale-skinned girl said with enthusiasm and the 3 of them went to find the 6 girls.

"Woah...I'm so nervous now that i'm here, in front of their room..." The shortest member said once they reached TWICE's waiting room. They were excited about meeting them but now, they became extremely nervous the moment they arrived.

"Come on. It's not a big deal. Just knock." Tzuyu said, trying to keep her cool as she knocked on the door a few times and the door opened, revealing TWICE's leader.

"Oh! It's you girls! The one we saw just now!" She exclaimed and the other members gathered at the door, greeting them warmly with a huge smile on their faces.

"Woah..." The 3 girls said in unison, amazed by the members' beauty from up close.

"I'm very pretty, right? Thank you for staring at me." The oldest girl said with self-confidence and flipped her hair.

"No, i'm not staring at you. I'm staring at that girl. Sana-sunbaenim, right?" Tzuyu spoke and the oldest girl pouted while the said girl nodded her head shyly, blushing, since she got to see Tzuyu up close. 

'She's really a gorgeous Goddess.' Sana thought to herself, fidgeting her fingers anxiously.

"Hi, I'm Chou Tzuyu from School Meal Club. Nice to meet you, Sana-sunbaenim." Tzuyu introduced herself, offering her hand for a handshake. Sana couldn't believe what's happening but still kept her cool.

"Nice to meet you too, Tzuyu-ah." Sana said with a friendly smile as she shook hands with the tall girl.

They soon became friends and exchanged phone numbers with one another. They started hanging out with each other a lot, especially on their off-days and when they are attending the same show.

After sometime, there were articles about them hanging out in shopping malls, cafes and more places. Fans were happy to see their 2 favorite group interacting with one another from outside their career. Some fans even wanted to know if Sana and Tzuyu are dating or not. Their agencies remained quiet since the members didn't informed them about their relationship status so they took it that they are either best friends or a couple but looks like the agencies will wait until the both of them told them something regarding them.

Tzuyu and Sana still hang out despite the articles and fans asking them whenever they went to their fan-signs or any fan-events. 

"I love you, Sana-unnie. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Tzuyu confessed on one knee, in front of the 5 members since they are in TWICE's dormitory.

"YES!" Sana answered in happiness as she cried of joy, hugging Tzuyu.

"I love you too!" Sana confessed her feelings and everyone was happy for the new couple.

"By the way, you need to tell Pdnim and your boss about it." Jihyo, the leader, told them though she felt bad for ruining the sweet moment.

"Right. Let's go tell them, shall we?" Tzuyu asked with a lovely smile towards her girlfriend, who nodded her head with a sweet smile.

The next day, their agencies have announced to the public and fans that the 2 are now a couple. Most of the fans wished them happiness and gave them their blessings.


"Tzuyu-ah, since we are a couple already, let's post our pictures on our social media account!" Sana suggested cheerfully while looking at her tall girlfriend.

"Okay, sure. Why not!" Tzuyu said, agreeing with her idea and they started posting pictures of them on their official social media accounts. 

Fans were happy to see the couple being happy and having fun with one another. When their idols are happy, the fans are happy too because the fans want to see their favorite groups smiling in happiness, right?

One year has passed and fans, all over the world, celebrated Sana and Tzuyu's anniversary of dating for 1 whole year. Of course, the 2 idols spent their first ever anniversary together.

"I'm so happy to be with you, Tzuyu-ah. I love you a lot more than last year." Sana said honestly and sincerely, looking into her girlfriend's eyes.

"Me too. I feel the same way, Sana-ah. Everyday, i find myself falling for you even more and even deeper." Tzuyu told Sana, full of honesty and love.

They then shared a kiss on the lips on the night of their first anniversary.

As time passed by, they became even more happier with one another and their love for one another becomes even stronger and deeper until no one can break their love and can never separate them apart from each other. They stick to each other and help one another out, no matter what obstacles are there for them.

~~~~THE END~~~~

I just feel like writing a Satzu one-shot story so im sorry if this story is not good

But thanks for reading it!! :)

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