Mitzu: Sexual Movie Night

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Tzuyu have the boy part aka futa Tzuyu


Mina's POV

Today, i'm going to hang out with my best friend, Tzuyu!

I'm going to her house today and watch movies with her all night.

Today is the only day that we are free from our work.

Tomorrow, we have work in the afternoon so we can stay together until morning.

"Welcome!" Tzuyu opened the door for me with a warm smile.

We gave each other a peck on the cheek. It became our thing when Tzuyu started pecking on my cheeks one day out of nowhere.

We may be best friends but we act like a couple in our friends' eyes.. I mean, i hope we are one because i have a crush on Tzuyu. However, i don't dare to tell her my feelings because it might ruin our friendship.

"You choose the movie while i get the popcorn and drinks. What drink you want, girl?" Tzuyu said as she handed me the remote control after switching on the power for the television.

"I want sprite. Thanks, tall." I said while looking up and taking the remote control with a small smile to her.

"You're welcome, short." She said as she went to the kitchen. We often call names for one another.

"Here is your sprite, lady." Tzuyu said, handing me a cup of sprite.

"Do you want it to be on the table?" She asked and i nodded my head.

She placed our drinks onto the table before sitting down next to me with a bowl of popcorn in her hand.

"Let's watch a movie!" She exclaimed with enthusiasm as we started watching the movie.


"What do you want for dinner, girl?" Tzuyu asked when we finished the movie.

"I'm not hungry though..." I answered while she washed the empty bowl and i dried it before putting back to where it belongs.

"Of course. We just ate a bowl of popcorn." She said, chuckling.

"Then, let's watch another movie without popcorn but with drinks. You want?" She asked and i hummed as a response.

"Great! It's my turn to choose the movie!" She cheered as she made her way to the living room.

"Should we watch R21 or PG?" Tzuyu asked, looking through her collection of movies. I choked on empty air as i reached out for my glass of water and drinking it.

"Are you okay?" My best friend asked with worry as she looked at me in concern.

"Yeah, i am. It's your choice if you want to watch R21 or PG." I said, answering her questions.

"Okay!" She said and looked back at her pile of movies.

Once she chose a movie, she sat down beside me and i put my head on her shoulder. She doesn't seem to mind, thankfully.

I didn't know what kind of movie she chose but i was expecting her to choose PG. I was surprised when she chose a R21 movie.

Are there gonna be some sexual scenes?

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