SaiDahMo PT.2: Let's Have A Threesome

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Part 2 of SaiDahMo: Nights With Dahyun

Full Smut(SaiDa & SaiDahmo)

Starting from SaiDa kissing while making their way to Sana's bedroom.


No One's POV

The 2 girls entered the bedroom and Sana slammed the door with the back of her foot. Once the door is closed, she immediately pushes Dahyun to the door, pinning her. They are still kissing passionately and hungrily while Sana is groping the younger girl's breasts which made the pale girl moaned in between the kiss softly.

The Japanese girl pulled away from the kiss and started sucking the shorter girl's neck before moving to the breasts once more. Sana has taken a liking to Dahyun's breasts for sure as she keep on licking and sucking her nipples. Dahyun arched her back with a loud moan, feeling good and aroused at the way the older girl is staring at her while sucking her nipples. She loves the way the foreigner mouth do her on the chest. It makes her want to just reach her first orgasm of the night.

After the squirrel is satisfied, she went back to kissing the eagle and lifted her off the door. She carried the pale girl to the couch and sat down first. Dahyun is sitting on her lap, more like straddling her lap. While kissing, Sana slid her fingers down until she reached in between the younger girl's legs. She didn't mind if Dahyun is wearing her shorts because either way, she could still feel the girl above her is wet. She palmed the clothed entrance, rubbing it with her palm. Dahyun moans, breaking the kiss and arching her back while tangling her hands into Sana's hair and bringing her face to her upper body. 

"I want this off." Sana said with a low and demanding voice, looking up at the younger girl who immediately got off her lap to take off her remaining lower clothing then went back to straddle the older girl's lap, sitting on her lap once again.

Sana licked her lips as she stared at Dahyun's body. She found it beautiful, sexy and hot. Meanwhile, Dahyun bit her lower lip when she noticed the squirrel staring at her body. Sana saw the lip bite and smirked, pushing the younger girl's head to her. They kissed lustfully and the older girl touched the pale girl's body, admiring and loving the texture of her skin.

The Japanese girl slowly moved her hand down to her wet entrance and started rubbing it with her palm. Dahyun moaned in pleasure as she arched her back, pulling away from Sana and tangling her hands into the older girl's hair once again.

Dahyun is already feeling heaven and seeing stars as her wet entrance is being rubbed by the squirrel. She already feeling coming but this is just the start as Sana didn't insert her fingers into her yet.

After a few minutes, Sana finally inserts two fingers into her pussy and the pale girl moaned, feeling good with the fingers inside her. Sana started slow, letting Dahyun enjoy the pleasure and herself feel the walls around her index and middle fingers. The younger girl started to move her hips up and down, making Sana's fingers go in and out of her pussy. On the other hand, Sana watches the eagle with a hot and lustful gaze, feeling as aroused as the naked girl. She thrusted her fingers into her pussy, making Dahyun let out sounds that made her even more turned on.

They took it slow at first, thrusting and moving slowly as they want to enjoy the sensation and feeling. But soon, Dahyun begin to ask for more and wanting the older girl to go faster. She moves her hips faster while Sana listened to her, adding one more finger and thrusting deeper inside her pussy with a faster pace.

Dahyun could feel her climax reaching. She gripped onto Sana's hair more tigher than before but the older didn't complain nor mind it at all since she is absorbed into the action happening.

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