Mitzu: Possessive but Soft-Hearted Man(III)

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Male Tzuyu

Possessive Tzuyu



Mina's POV

Last night was amazing, really amazing. He was so gentle to me and my body. I turned around to face him only to notice that he was facing me too, still asleep. Now that i'm close to his face, he looked so peaceful and good-looking.

"Do you like staring at me?" He asked with his eyes closed and i got startled when he spoke out of nowhere. He opened his eyes slowly and we looked at each other in the eyes.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked with a husky voice while reaching his palm out towards my cheek and caressing me with his thumb, slightly smiling.

"I'm feeling okay." I answered him softly and his smile grew a bit wider, feeling relieved to hear my answer.

"Then how about your body? Do you feel any pain anywhere?" He asked, sounding worried and still husky while his thumb continued to caress my cheek, causing me to lean into his touch and i'm loving the way he stroked my cheek. I felt touched by his questions and tone of voice, it felt like he truly cares about my wellbeing and body. It made my happy.

"I feel sore." I told him and pouted my lips while he let out a soft chuckle, still smiling widely.

"Then stay in bed for today. Let your body rest." He told me as we continued to look at each other in the eyes.

"I like that idea. I can just lie down here and not do anything for the day." I said with a huge smile, feeling extremely satisfied with his suggestion and loving the fact that i don't need to do anything.

"Then with that, i will get to work." He said and pecked my forehead before sitting up and getting up from the bed. He went to our closet and grabbed some clothes, probably for his work, then went to the bathroom, locking the door once he has closed it.

I faced up and simply stared at the ceiling, feeling blank while there were so many thoughts running through my mind. I heard water sounds in the bathroom and knew that he was taking a morning shower. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the water running as the thoughts slowly disappeared from my mind.

I opened my eyes when the sound of the water has stopped running. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing Tzuyu in his formal outfit. He wore grey collared shirt with white stripes, a black buttoned vest on top of his collared shirt and lastly, a black suit on top of these clothing with only one pocket on one side of his chest. He wore a pair of black pants. He also wore a dark blue tie with white polka dots. He looked really handsome.

"Am i that handsome?" He asked and i immediately realized that i sat up from the bed and quickly looked away from him as he chuckled lightly.

"I'm going off now." He said and i turned back to him. He came closer to me until he was sitting next to my side of the bed and bent down to give a peck on my cheek.

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