Mitzu: Bad Imagination

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G!P Tzuyu



Tzuyu's POV

"Hey, don't touch her! She's mine!" I shouted when i spotted my girlfriend being surrounded by tall men and they seemed to be hitting on her, seeing those dirty smirks on their faces. They turned their heads to me as i approached them and wrapped an arm around my girlfriend's shoulder, pulling her to my body.

"Another beauty we have! Want to join us in the fun?" They definitely didn't hear my words just now.

"Did you not hear me just now? This girl here is mine and no way i'm going to join you in the fun. What a pathetic bunch of guys." I said and their faces immediately changed to a pissed expression.

"We are being nice here. You may be beautiful but the words that come out are not girly at all. You should try speaking like a real lady, you know. And you are the one pathetic here, not us." One guy with blonde hair said and the rest nodded their heads in agreement. It seemed to me that the blonde hair guy is the leader among them, seeing how they are not saying anything and just agreeing with him and his nonsense.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere?" I asked after i have dealt with them. Things became vulgar and they tried to attack me but i managed to get them lying down on the floor, unable to get up from the floor.

"Yeah, they were about to touch me but you came by then." Minari answered, clinging onto my arm tightly. We entered my car and went to a restaurant to eat our lunch together. We reached the restaurant and had our lunch date in peace until a female with pink hair entered the restaurant. I stared at her in awe and admiration, she's really beautiful and attractive.

After placing her order, she looked around and we made eye-contact, making me gulp my throat when she gave a small smile to me before looking away from me. I snapped away and out of my thoughts when i heard someone clearing their throat in front of me.

"Where are you looking at? Your girlfriend is right here and you're staring at other girls right in front of me. So not loyal of you." She said with a pout and i awkwardly cleared my throat.

"I didn't stare. I was just admiring and you know, i'm always loyal and you are the only one in my heart." I assured her and she didn't seem to believe me as she stared at me, not convinced at all.

"I doubt that." She said and ate a spoon of her food. I noticed the woman with blonde hair made her way towards us and i looked at her while chewing.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" She asked politely with a small friendly smile, referring to the seat next to me since the both of us were sitting across each other and not side by side. I was about to answer her question when Mina answered before i could.

"Yes, it's taken." She said with a stern tone and stared at the woman with a firm gaze, looking at her sharply. The woman made an 'o' shape with her mouth but her next action surprised me and caught me off-guard. She just went ahead and sat down next to me even after hearing what my girlfriend told her. Mina raised an eyebrow at her, her expression changing to a darker expression.

"Miss, i said that the seat is already taken." She spoke, making herself more clear. The woman just nodded her head with an innocent smile.

"Yup, i know. You just told me." She simply said without hesitation while i watched the both of them, not knowing what to do.

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